Monday, January 19, 2009

Beloved Friends Award

Another award from Rahma, Thanks Rahma.. :) Smile for you
What's Minnie without Mickey?
What's Tigger without Pooh?
What's Patrick without Spounge Bob?
What's Nadia without Kris? Miahahaha...tambahan..(^_^)
What's My Blog without My Blogger Friends ?
yeay.. so i want to dedicate this award to all my blogger Friends out there..
Thanks for your supports that makes me keep on writing and sharing

Dedicate to all of you my fellow followers and at My Blog Walk Station there :)

( Kalau mo tulis smua nama sini, talampau panjang.. so, kamurang la tu yg sya maksud kan k )

Names that came across my mind right now :
- Beck
- Nancy
- Gracie
- Rahma
- Izan
- Angel
- Kisty
- Miss Graig
-Miss Mathew
- AngelBear
- Kay
- Ratna
- Mell
- Angeline
- Chegu Carol
- Ochie
- Zoi
- Puteri Ezza
- Phil
- Avanus

( Ini cuma nama2 yg terlintas di fikiran sya skrg ya.. )
Actuali,I want to dedicate this award to all of MY BLOGGER FRIENDS ya :)


Apple said...

well, sumthin lk the hero in Zoolander(watch this movie if u didnt yet)
"thanks for this award.. bla..bla.." and at the end of my speech. Lol! im not tha winner.

InobonG ProPer said...

Saya dapat 'riben putih' pula..mgkin kelmarin saya over-look hehehe

thanks Nadia!

Kris and Nadia said...

Ryu- not yet ooo.. ( is it on the cinema oredi? ) will watch it .. thanks... Yay.. i dedicate this award to all my blogger friends :)

Phil - yay... ya... okay2 u're welcome.. :)

Sori.. nda tau ni blog kdg2 sot pandai nda dpt comment n pandai ilang.. :)

HoneyBUZZin said...

hehe..I give u the same award too..hik hik ..sama2 la kita..anyway..thanks for the thought. I love it!

Kris and Nadia said...

Yay.. thanks honey... U r my friend and I am ur Friend...hihi.... Love it too .. :)

KenMAHD said...

Nad..ko ada bg ni award sama si "Miss Graig" bah mo tnya utk sa(Mrs Graig) bah tu kan..hahaha...just to clarify kunun..hahaha..

Kris and Nadia said...

Ken - yay ada ba.. confirm :) Award for miss Craig@ KEN .. * applause :)

gracie said...

toce..toce sai kekeke
thnks for sapoting me oso yah..

Kris and Nadia said...

Gracie- welcome2.. miahahaha... mimang sapot abis la sama save sandakan ni..kekekeke... :)

Medusa said...

thanx.. hun! :) pa kabar ko.. siou lama tia bertandang.. sever down baaa.. byk alasan ni.. lol tnggu sa CY laa aaaa.. sa pulg uma.. buli online siuka hati.. lol :) xoxox nadia

Kris and Nadia said...

Beck - yo beck.. wah lama ko nda melawat sya nda apa ..sya tgu ko blk lu br kita story2 ah.. :)

Lindut a.k.a Carmel said...

hi nadia..thank you for the award!lama dh sa x kumin2 blog ko kan..sbb baru hari sa dpt tguk ur blog.before this,ndak dpt tguk..byk ketinggalan oh sa..

Kris and Nadia said...

Carmel- :) ok .. ya ba ko ni lama sda nda melawat sya...hihi.. ya tu hari ntah napa blog sya sot sot ni..huhu.. ba jan ketinggalan.. ble jg tgk previous entry ba..hihi... :)

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