Thursday, April 30, 2009

Jawapan soalan kepada soalan

Di saat-saat saya mau tidur,
tetiba utusan dr C MARZ memberi kan tag yang membengongkan dan mencabar ini
tidak dapat diabaikan lagi.. huahua..
ba ini la jawapan soalan kepada soalan yang memerlukan soalan sebagai jawapan...

Tag ini memerlukan kreativiti anda untuk mencipta soalan.
Jawapan kepada soalan adalah soalan yang anda reka sendiri.
Maknanya orang lain kena fikirkan jawapan anda tu berdasarkan soalan yang anda tulis dalam ruang jawapan.

(1) Di manakah kamu berada sekarang?
Di manakah tempat yang patut saya berada bila saya mau tidur??

(2) Apakah warna baju anda pakai sekarang?
Apakah warna kertas??

(3) Bila kali terakhir anda pergi menonton wayang?
Apa kah hari sebelum isnin??

(4)Kamu belajar/bekerja dalam bidang apa?
Siapakah yang mengajar murid di sekolah??

(5) Lagu yang anda sedang dengar?
Apakah lagu yang paling 'femes' sekarang??

(6) Ke mana kali terakhir kamu ke luar negara (jika ada) ?
Kalau dalam negara bolehkah?? hahaha...

(7) Benda yang kali terakhir anda beli dengan duit sendiri?
Apakah keperluan untuk makanan di rumah??

(8) Tempat yang anda teringin sangat nak pergi?
Apakah negara yang di drama femes 'Winter Sonata' itu??

(9) Selebriti/Artis yang menyanyi yang kamu mahu sangat berjumpa?
Siapakah yang menyanyi lagu 'Baby hit me one more time' ?? hihi.. :)

(10) Apakah berita terbaru yang anda baru dengar?
Apakah penyakit yang paling orang takut sekarang??

(11) Kalau diberi RM1,000 sekarang,nyatakan apakah barang yang anda ingin beli (sekali beli je,bukan banyak2)?
Apakah benda yang kita boleh guna untuk sms and calling??

(12) Rakan blogger yang terakhir anda jumpa?
Siapakah gerangan yang punya blog *AnnieMing* itu??

(13) Pukul berapa sekarang ini?
Bila kah masa yang saya patut tidur??

(14) Tadi anda makan apa?
Apakah makanan yang boleh dan sedap dimakan??

(15) Siapakah yang anda ingin 'bengongkan' dengan soalan-soalan merapu anda?
Siapa kah yang suka "pakai pearl-stud-earrings? Rahma
Bila saya mau minum kupi, dimanakah saya patut berada (blog) ? Tauke Kupi Greg
Siapakah yang bakal2 menjadi pengantin?? hihi.. NC and Annie :)
Siapakah gerangan 'ibubapa' Damia?? :) hihi.. Viona & Prebetsabu
Siapakah yang sudi membuat tag yang bengong ini?? Open to anyone .. sya mau jg baca jawapan kreatif kamurang ni.. hihi :)

Aiya.. sya pun sda jadi bengong ni..huhu... ba palan2 kamu buat ni tag ar :)

Jawapan soalan kepada soalan

Di saat-saat saya mau tidur,
tetiba utusan dr C MARZ memberi kan tag yang membengongkan dan mencabar ini
tidak dapat diabaikan lagi.. huahua..
ba ini la jawapan soalan kepada soalan yang memerlukan soalan sebagai jawapan...

Tag ini memerlukan kreativiti anda untuk mencipta soalan.
Jawapan kepada soalan adalah soalan yang anda reka sendiri.
Maknanya orang lain kena fikirkan jawapan anda tu berdasarkan soalan yang anda tulis dalam ruang jawapan.

(1) Di manakah kamu berada sekarang?
Di manakah tempat yang patut saya berada bila saya mau tidur??

(2) Apakah warna baju anda pakai sekarang?
Apakah warna kertas??

(3) Bila kali terakhir anda pergi menonton wayang?
Apa kah hari sebelum isnin??

(4)Kamu belajar/bekerja dalam bidang apa?
Siapakah yang mengajar murid di sekolah??

(5) Lagu yang anda sedang dengar?
Apakah lagu yang paling 'femes' sekarang??

(6) Ke mana kali terakhir kamu ke luar negara (jika ada) ?
Kalau dalam negara bolehkah?? hahaha...

(7) Benda yang kali terakhir anda beli dengan duit sendiri?
Apakah keperluan untuk makanan di rumah??

(8) Tempat yang anda teringin sangat nak pergi?
Apakah negara yang di drama femes 'Winter Sonata' itu??

(9) Selebriti/Artis yang menyanyi yang kamu mahu sangat berjumpa?
Siapakah yang menyanyi lagu 'Baby hit me one more time' ?? hihi.. :)

(10) Apakah berita terbaru yang anda baru dengar?
Apakah penyakit yang paling orang takut sekarang??

(11) Kalau diberi RM1,000 sekarang,nyatakan apakah barang yang anda ingin beli (sekali beli je,bukan banyak2)?
Apakah benda yang kita boleh guna untuk sms and calling??

(12) Rakan blogger yang terakhir anda jumpa?
Siapakah gerangan yang punya blog *AnnieMing* itu??

(13) Pukul berapa sekarang ini?
Bila kah masa yang saya patut tidur??

(14) Tadi anda makan apa?
Apakah makanan yang boleh dan sedap dimakan??

(15) Siapakah yang anda ingin 'bengongkan' dengan soalan-soalan merapu anda?
Siapa kah yang suka "pakai pearl-stud-earrings? Rahma
Bila saya mau minum kupi, dimanakah saya patut berada (blog) ? Tauke Kupi Greg
Siapakah yang bakal2 menjadi pengantin?? hihi.. NC and Annie :)
Siapakah gerangan 'ibubapa' Damia?? :) hihi.. Viona & Prebetsabu
Siapakah yang sudi membuat tag yang bengong ini?? Open to anyone .. sya mau jg baca jawapan kreatif kamurang ni.. hihi :)

Aiya.. sya pun sda jadi bengong ni..huhu... ba palan2 kamu buat ni tag ar :)

Monday, April 27, 2009

I know Him and miss him badly

I got this tag from Annie Ming
Memandangkan now I really miss Kris so much
so I'm glad and be happy to think about him every second of my day :)
"How Well You Knew Your Husband" ( or should I say~ Future Husband ) hihi...
Yay.. sya pun interested oo mau buat ni tag.. ( sukanya saya :) )

1. He’s sitting in front of the TV, what is on the screen?
** Sports like football, basketball emm.. and yang Kereta2 pya rancangan tu..huahua..
^_^( berjalan2 di Shangri La Tanjung Aru )

2. You’re out to eat; what kind of dressing does he get on his salad?

** Thousand island.. ( guess so .. ) hihi...
3. What’s one food he doesn’t like?
** food that I like for example bubur kacang hijau, sup ayam...huahua..
4. You go out to eat and have a drink. What does he order?
** emm.. nama makanan yang dia rasa sedap coz dia mau try sumthing new..huahua..
( sya nda brani..saya mkn yg saya tau ja..kuang2 )( Hubi tengah menghafal sumthing @Lib UMS )

5. Where did he go to high school?
** SMK Mat Salleh, Ranau
( tmpt sya Latihan Mengajar dlu ..huhu )
6. What size shoes does he wear?-
** UK 8 , US 9
^_^( Menengok pemandangan laut dr @mosphere , Yayasan Sabah )

7. If he was to collect anything, what would it be?
**Emmm... kasut NIKE or ADIDAS.. Atau Sport cars..
8. What is his favorite type of sandwich?
** Tuna Sandwich
9. What would this person eat every day if he could?
** emmm... macam2 yang sedap tu..hihi...
10. What is his favorite cereal?
** I dont think he eat cereal ...kuang2
11. What would he never wear?
** Baggy jeans & skin tights.. ( sm mcm hubi c Annie )
12. What is his favorite sports team?
** Manchester United ..( Belajar2... huahua )

13. Who did he vote for?
** Kami blum mendaftar sebagai pengundi ooo.. He really hates politics thingy
14. Who is his best friend?
** He said " His best friend is ME" miahaha...

( Me and Hubi tgh bincang sesuatu,
looks like He can understand wut I'm saying which me myself dont )

15. What is something you do that he wishes you wouldn’t do?
** huhu secret but I knw it hubi and I regret it.. my big mistakes huhu..
16. What is his heritage?
** Sino Kadazan His dad is Sino Kadazan and his mum is Cina Jawa.
17. What is his favorite colour?
** Blue, white
18. What is his habit?
** kasih bersih kereta.. huhu.. asal balik rumah, kasi bersih kereta berjam2 sampai bkilat..
Saya pun nda buli kasi pisah dia dr kereta.. huahua..

19. What is he proud of?
** emm.. Me? *perasan, miahaha.. his achievement and life :)

20. Lastly, do you think he will read this?
** Haha.. of course.. huahua...
Jan marah hubi..hihi.. sorry
I Really Miss You.. (^_^)

( Me, hubi and Our Satria - I like this picture..
hubi senyum secara spontan which sya pun nda sedar dia senyum di belakang sya
~ susah tul mau bawa dia bgambar ni tau..huahua )

Yay.. bukan indak senang mau buat ni tag susah pula :)
Miss him badly.. hurts me a lot la.. damn!!

This tag is open to everyone who wish to do dis..
Happy answering!

I know Him and miss him badly

I got this tag from Annie Ming
Memandangkan now I really miss Kris so much
so I'm glad and be happy to think about him every second of my day :)
"How Well You Knew Your Husband" ( or should I say~ Future Husband ) hihi...
Yay.. sya pun interested oo mau buat ni tag.. ( sukanya saya :) )

1. He’s sitting in front of the TV, what is on the screen?
** Sports like football, basketball emm.. and yang Kereta2 pya rancangan tu..huahua..
^_^( berjalan2 di Shangri La Tanjung Aru )

2. You’re out to eat; what kind of dressing does he get on his salad?

** Thousand island.. ( guess so .. ) hihi...
3. What’s one food he doesn’t like?
** food that I like for example bubur kacang hijau, sup ayam...huahua..
4. You go out to eat and have a drink. What does he order?
** emm.. nama makanan yang dia rasa sedap coz dia mau try sumthing new..huahua..
( sya nda brani..saya mkn yg saya tau ja..kuang2 )( Hubi tengah menghafal sumthing @Lib UMS )

5. Where did he go to high school?
** SMK Mat Salleh, Ranau
( tmpt sya Latihan Mengajar dlu ..huhu )
6. What size shoes does he wear?-
** UK 8 , US 9
^_^( Menengok pemandangan laut dr @mosphere , Yayasan Sabah )

7. If he was to collect anything, what would it be?
**Emmm... kasut NIKE or ADIDAS.. Atau Sport cars..
8. What is his favorite type of sandwich?
** Tuna Sandwich
9. What would this person eat every day if he could?
** emmm... macam2 yang sedap tu..hihi...
10. What is his favorite cereal?
** I dont think he eat cereal ...kuang2
11. What would he never wear?
** Baggy jeans & skin tights.. ( sm mcm hubi c Annie )
12. What is his favorite sports team?
** Manchester United ..( Belajar2... huahua )

13. Who did he vote for?
** Kami blum mendaftar sebagai pengundi ooo.. He really hates politics thingy
14. Who is his best friend?
** He said " His best friend is ME" miahaha...

( Me and Hubi tgh bincang sesuatu,
looks like He can understand wut I'm saying which me myself dont )

15. What is something you do that he wishes you wouldn’t do?
** huhu secret but I knw it hubi and I regret it.. my big mistakes huhu..
16. What is his heritage?
** Sino Kadazan His dad is Sino Kadazan and his mum is Cina Jawa.
17. What is his favorite colour?
** Blue, white
18. What is his habit?
** kasih bersih kereta.. huhu.. asal balik rumah, kasi bersih kereta berjam2 sampai bkilat..
Saya pun nda buli kasi pisah dia dr kereta.. huahua..

19. What is he proud of?
** emm.. Me? *perasan, miahaha.. his achievement and life :)

20. Lastly, do you think he will read this?
** Haha.. of course.. huahua...
Jan marah hubi..hihi.. sorry
I Really Miss You.. (^_^)

( Me, hubi and Our Satria - I like this picture..
hubi senyum secara spontan which sya pun nda sedar dia senyum di belakang sya
~ susah tul mau bawa dia bgambar ni tau..huahua )

Yay.. bukan indak senang mau buat ni tag susah pula :)
Miss him badly.. hurts me a lot la.. damn!!

This tag is open to everyone who wish to do dis..
Happy answering!

Friday, April 24, 2009


Hope this inspire your day & life.

A story about a dog who was born on Christmas Eve in 2002.

He was born with 3 legs - 2 healthy hind legs

and 1 abnormal front leg which needed to be amputated.

He of course could not walk when he was born.

Even his mother did not want him.

He was rejected and scorned.

His first owner also did not think that he could survive.

Therefore, he was thinking of putting him to sleep..

At this time, his present owner Jude Stringfellow came into his life

and wanted to take care of him.
She was determined to teach and train this dog to walk by himself..

She thought, all we need is a little faith.

Therefore she named him 'Faith.'

In the beginning, she put Faith on a surf board to let him feel the movements of the water.

Later she used peanut butter on a spoon as a lure and to reward him for standing up and jumping around.

Even the other dogs at home helped to encourage him to walk.

Amazingly, after only 6 months, like a miracle,

Faith learned to balance on his 2 hind legs and jumped to move forward.

After further training in the snow, he can now walk like a human being.

Faith loves to walk around now.

No matter where he goes, he just attracts all the people around him.

He is now becoming famous on the international scene.

He has appeared in various newspapers and TV shows.

There is even one book entitled 'With a little faith' being published about him.

His present owner Jude Stringfellow has given up her teaching job

and plans to take him around the world to preach

'that even without a perfect body, one can have a perfect soul.'

In life there are always undesirable things.

Perhaps a person who feels things are not going

as well as they could will feel better if they change their point of view

and see things from another perspective.

Perhaps this message will bring fresh new ways of thinking to everyone.

Perhaps everyone can appreciate and be thankful for each beautiful day that follows.

Life is the continual demonstration of the power of thinking positive and having faith.

Believe in yourself. Never lose faith.


Hope this inspire your day & life.

A story about a dog who was born on Christmas Eve in 2002.

He was born with 3 legs - 2 healthy hind legs

and 1 abnormal front leg which needed to be amputated.
He of course could not walk when he was born.

Even his mother did not want him.
He was rejected and scorned.
His first owner also did not think that he could survive.

Therefore, he was thinking of putting him to sleep..

At this time, his present owner Jude Stringfellow came into his life
and wanted to take care of him.
She was determined to teach and train this dog to walk by himself..
She thought, all we need is a little faith.

Therefore she named him 'Faith.'

In the beginning, she put Faith on a surf board to let him feel the movements of the water.

Later she used peanut butter on a spoon as a lure and to reward him for standing up and jumping around.

Even the other dogs at home helped to encourage him to walk.

Amazingly, after only 6 months, like a miracle,

Faith learned to balance on his 2 hind legs and jumped to move forward.

After further training in the snow, he can now walk like a human being.

Faith loves to walk around now.

No matter where he goes, he just attracts all the people around him.

He is now becoming famous on the international scene.

He has appeared in various newspapers and TV shows.

There is even one book entitled 'With a little faith' being published about him.

His present owner Jude Stringfellow has given up her teaching job

and plans to take him around the world to preach

'that even without a perfect body, one can have a perfect soul.'

In life there are always undesirable things.
Perhaps a person who feels things are not going
as well as they could will feel better if they change their point of view
and see things from another perspective.
Perhaps this message will bring fresh new ways of thinking to everyone.
Perhaps everyone can appreciate and be thankful for each beautiful day that follows.

Life is the continual demonstration of the power of thinking positive and having faith.

Believe in yourself. Never lose faith.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Coming Soon

Last saturday, I went out wif Aunt and sister watched horror movie..
Well, at first, we thought this "Coming Soon" movie is the movie that will coming soon..
but the name of the movie is
"Coming Soon" la pula..
It's a Thai Movie
bikin konpius aja

The Synopsis;
Emm... ( I make it simple ya )
Pasal ada satu movie ni yang blum kena show d cinema,
yang masi lg preview2 kecil2an **
( that's why, this movie called coming soon, it's about coming soon movie )
Di movie tu, ada part perempuan kena gantung..
then, sepa2 yang tgk part kena gantung tu, mati la coz tu hantu mau balas dendam..
tu hantu adalah pelakon yang mati betul2 gara2 blakon part kena gantung..

Erti kata lain, mimang nda siok la..
Penonton di cinema ketawa lg tu tgk ni movie..

Ada sya dgr org cakap time tu "SOT betul la hantu dia ni"
Kalu kamu mau tau betapa 'sot'nya hantu dia, ba pg la tgk ni movie.. hihi...
Ingatkan best sgt lah coz dia pya producer tu x-producer 'the shutter'
( which is one of the most terrifying horror movie )

but huhu.. *sad

I give 1.5 / 5

Coming Soon

Last saturday, I went out wif Aunt and sister watched horror movie..
Well, at first, we thought this "Coming Soon" movie is the movie that will coming soon..
but the name of the movie is
"Coming Soon" la pula..
It's a Thai Movie
bikin konpius aja

The Synopsis;
Emm... ( I make it simple ya )
Pasal ada satu movie ni yang blum kena show d cinema,
yang masi lg preview2 kecil2an **
( that's why, this movie called coming soon, it's about coming soon movie )
Di movie tu, ada part perempuan kena gantung..
then, sepa2 yang tgk part kena gantung tu, mati la coz tu hantu mau balas dendam..
tu hantu adalah pelakon yang mati betul2 gara2 blakon part kena gantung..

Erti kata lain, mimang nda siok la..
Penonton di cinema ketawa lg tu tgk ni movie..

Ada sya dgr org cakap time tu "SOT betul la hantu dia ni"
Kalu kamu mau tau betapa 'sot'nya hantu dia, ba pg la tgk ni movie.. hihi...
Ingatkan best sgt lah coz dia pya producer tu x-producer 'the shutter'
( which is one of the most terrifying horror movie )

but huhu.. *sad

I give 1.5 / 5

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Amazing :)

Well... I was amazed by this Talented Artist - Julian Beever
He has made pavements drawings for over ten years.

( Julian Beever )
Look at the 3D drawings ..
HEBAT bukan??!!

Anamorphic illusions drawn in a special distortion in order to create an impression of 3 dimensions when seen from one particular viewpoint.Fantastic

Macam btul2 ooo kan??
For more wonderful drawings click HERE
Just wanna share this amazing things :)
mana tau kita sendiri pun ada bakat2 terpendam mcm ni..
ba bole la melukis sana kaki lima.. hihi...

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