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Fetus yg masi kecik lagi masa tu baru 9 weeks, then mau kena minum air banyak-banyak baru dapat scan pula.. *sya baru tau jg.. first time ba .. hehehe |
Saturday, October 16, 2010
My First Trimester
Halo all, well.. well... As stated on my FB status last week,
yup I'm pregnant for about 3 months 1-2 weeks now :D
And of course me, hubby and family members are all happy :D very very happy...
Well, ba mari sya crita how's my trimester :D
Emmm... so far so good, when my period was late for 2 weeks baru sya cek pakai tu *apa suda mau ckp tu, lupa la* emm... pregnancy test, yang main beli sana Guardian :D
And it showed a positive result :D
Then after 2 weeks, baru la sya p jumpa doktor pg scan.. then masa tu mcm baru 4-5 weeks blum nmpk apa2 lagi so doktor pun blum ble kasi kepastian..
Coz fetus MAYBE 50-50 jadi or tidak time tu that's y blum nampk,
and that's why jugak la ( I think ) sya kena nasihat oleh orang2 tua supaya tidak mengumumkan berita baik ni sebelum sampai 3 bulan..
Then last2 week, sampai suda 3 bulan baru sya announce n share the good news :D
Thank God :D
Aik, lupa pula mau crita pasal my trimester... Well, mula2 tu ada psychology effect juga la..
Saya fikir sya pregnant then mesti mau muntah, mesti pening ni, mesti penat la itu la ini la...
I think that's all psychology at the first place...
Then, I've tried to fight the 'psycho2' tu, sumtimes it's working, sumtimes it doesn't.. sampai skg..
Kadang2 ble lawan tu perasaan tidak selesa...
Yes, mmg ada perasaan mual, pening n cepat penat..
and one thing about me, I'm very afraid to vomit.. macam mau mati seja sya rasa,
bak kata sya & Annie " Bagus ko bunuh sya seja daripada sya muntah" hahaha.. *kidding
sepanjang sya hidup sya rasa 1-2 kali seja sya muntah itu pun terpaksa n x ble tahan sda..huhu..
One, saya tidak muntah langsung, BUT sya mual seja, and very very choosy.. mau makan pun susah..
Aktiviti makan la yang sya susah mau fikir tiap hari.. huhu.. ohya and super slow eating..huahua...
2nd, I'm sensitive to d environment, smell, apa2 la.. but I can handle it, maybe I'm sensitive but doesn't mean I don't like it.. ble tahan ba... :D
3rd, yes, selalu pening n cepat penat... well, maybe it's becoz I have low blood pressure.. dari dlu pun begitu, kurang darah & x dpt derma darah..huhu...
Ohya during my trimester, I had twice food poisoning..
damn, salah makan.. gara-gara jaga makan,trus salah makan..
Diarrhea sampai lemah badan..huhu.. poor my baby..
sengsara ooo
Ba kamu tau jg kan, amcm sakit perut kalu keracunan..
masa tu I can't handle it anymore,
then I put too much *I think* itu apa tu nama dia, minyak cap helang ka ( green color) di PERUT ar...
sampai merah kulit perut sya, and 2-3 days after that, tu kulit terkupas..
but now, Thank God Everything's fine :D
Ba, skrg mau masuk 2nd Trimester suda..
hopefully smuanya okay jg, and I pray that everyones around me understand my condition & situation..
Please don't put too many pressure on me,k..hehe
I try my best to control my anger & what-so-ever feeling ni skrg, so please , and please *begging suda ni,
jangan la memaksa k :D tengkiu :D hehehe..
That's all for now :D tata.. gudnite and God bless :D
waa congrats2! happy for u..hehe.ba take gud care of urself kio..God bless..:)
wow... congrats to u & ur hubby.. take extra good care of urself & ur baby k.. hope to read more about ur baby's development after this.. siokk jg ni dpt baca2 ttg pengalaman org time pregnant.. ;)
God bless.. :)
Hi Nadia. Mmg gitu la ba tu klu pregnant. Mcm2 ja n ada2 ja.. yg dulu yes, skrg no.. n vice versa... u take extra care kio..
im so happy for u :)
take good care of ur sefl n baby k :)
congrats again nad.
so siok to see that 3d baby scan pic.
take care of urself...it's good that the MS tidak teruk on you. different ppl different dia punya situation kan. enjoy every bit of it!
Congrats Nad. I'm so happy for you.
Take a good care of yourself ya :)
Congrats again Nad!!! suka sia tingu ni .. teringat pula time2 sia pregnant..
Bah.. u gotta take a good care ya!
Hai Nad..mmm..i cn feel what u feel by now. Hanya org pregnant ja ada perasaan dan dapat rasa mcm itu. Bila tengok tu gambar yg kena scan, rasa mcm..Oh, God's creation is so so and so amazing! Bersyukur tak habis2. Apa-apa kita buat, first thing is the baby yang kita fikir.
Sama la kita pula, pening dan mual sja. nda la yg sampai mo sakit2 morning sickness sbb benda tu kena dgn papa Yong2..Haha!
and o ya, be careful dgn low blood pressure, nanti ada effect dgn blood HB tu. Nanti kena suruh cek g klinik seminggu sekali kalau teruk. mcm sy dulu..penat o seminggu sekali jumpa doktor. But hopefully u doing fine ya.
TC. :)
Congrats untuk kesekian kalinya! ^_^ Ya bah kan Nad, rasa mau mati ni kalau muntah, bikin takut baitu. Heheheh!
Bah take care of yourself ah Nad. ;-)
Congrats Nadia :)
Take A Good Care Of Yourself ya...and the baby inside :) Rajin2 minum susu, those vitamins yg kna bagi pun kena disiplin jg mkn k :)
congratulation Nad...wah,new info for me (mau minum byk air kh pulak before scanning?)hehe..
jaga kesihatan kio..can't wait to see ur baby..dui bah sa yg excited nie..haha
congrats to boyh of you...
do take extra care of yourself and the baby
berdoa sj kio...sure everything will be fine.
tahniah mandak.. semoga sihat selalu.. :) jaga makan.. jangan makan yang pedas2, asam2 selalu.. bahaya.. nanti kana jaundice.. hehe
hi nadia.. slama ni sy silent redear kmu.since sy ada sda blog, sy jd follower sda.. hehe.. anyway, congrats..jga ksihatan ya.. tk care
Hi Nad...best kan dpt tgk tu baby...especially klu nmpk sdh tu shape dia....bah, do take care kio!
Exciting la to know how's the baby doing... and also the mommy.. so update update la selalu.. Take good care ya!
Congrats moiiii... So happy to hear good news like this one. Take a good care of urself and the baby inside u :-).
Congratulation to you and your hubby.
alhamdulillah... limpas sdh the critical part kan. bah, on 2nd trimester ni, try to eat healthy food, dun forget to take acid folic and iron. pntg for u n the baby. i remember when i was pregnant. my HB was 12.5 which is good. ms operate hr tu, tia payah tmbh darah :)
one more thing kan, klu ko mkn benda2 panas (mcm durian) n mkn pedas2 jan lupa minum air kelapa. utk kasi bersih the perut. n kulit bb nnt klu kluar pun bersih jg tu. but then u hv to ask org tua2 dulu klu blh minum atu tdk. klu sy dulu start 6 bln ke atas sy minum air kelapa 2 @ 3 kl sebulan.
btw, good luck n take care ya. klu ada apa2 mo tny atu tips jgn lupa buzz me ya :)
Cindy, Ladykath , just, nancy, Angel, Evelyn, Annie, Mrs Graig, Lindut, Minsulod, Pirut, Martha, Memel, Mimi, Izan, Sue SJB, ~ Thank you thank you :D I appreciate ur prayer :) thanks for sharing my happiness :D
Chegu Carol~ :D ya lo, kiut ooo, never thot dia guyang2 dalam perut sya.. tkejut sya..huhu...ya Thank God MS sya tidak teruk, kali suda biasa sakit perut or tahan muntah jadi ni kali buli tahan la, lgpun I pray harder coz i really afraid of this MS yg kawan2 crita..atokoi, palis2 :D btw, thanks once again :D
Zoi~ hahaha.. YA BETUL... tekejut sya, AMAZED ni :D wahhhh... :D tidak dpt tergmbr with words :D hahaha..
sya lupa bgto, kris yg mengidam, tiba2 dia mau mkn macam2 yg dia x pun minat mau mkn..huahua.. nasib baik :D
:) ya sya br ja p cek blood pressure n HB lepas sya tgk komen ko :D okay jg la 11.2, sya ingat sya ada low blood pressure, tp nda jg brapa teruk la, ble tahan jg la.. bgs pray harder ja la kan :D harap2 smua okay :D Once again Thank you Zoi :)
Rahma~ :)Ya thank God suda limpas 1st trimester, skrg mcm mau kuat mkan la pula..huahua.... :D HB sya 11.2, emm mcm mau kasi naik lg ni, amcm ar :D
sya nda pandai pula mkn pedas..huhu.. nasib baik :D durian pun susah jg mau cari kan, tp sya mcm mau mkn yg sejuk2 ja spt aiskirim :D hehehe.. okay nanti sya mau jg minum air kelapa ni, tym 5bulan ke atas la kan :D hehe.. thanks for sharing rahma :D n thank u once again :D
Congrats again nad..
enjoy every moment of ur pregnancy.bila ko rasa ada suda guyang2 dalam perut tu lagi la siok tu...hehe..
take care of urself...
Wah, congratulations to u nadia.. :)
Vienne~ Thank you :) and congratulation to you too :D ya lo nda sabar ni bguyang2 dalam perut ni, sya nmpk d scan ja dia bguyang..hahaha :D cant wait :D
Stella~ thank you stella :D
congrats sis, keep updating ya. :D
congrats, kalau boleh jgn la sapu minyak panas kat perut ok..
Hi visiting you for the first time~ firstly congratulations on your pregnancy! and secondly your new house! double celebration eh~ hehe..cant wait to hear about your pregnancy~ and loves your blog~ cantik! hehe
nad, tia lama lagi ko akan jadi mummy owhhh..congrats ya.....
Beaty ~ :) hehehe ya ooo tahun depan :D thank you beaty :)
Hi Nad hehehee.... ur HB 11.2 tu ok sdh tu... kasi maintain jak :) anw, take care ya ;)
:) thank you for your time to share us the most amazing moment in your life..hope to hear from you again and again..
take care kio. :)
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