Kris said that the cast selection is very poor, coz the characters doesn't fit at all.. huh!
Hey Guess what, (Kristin) she did speak in chinese wif weird tune :)
hihi... but it was ok!!
Shud expect this movie is not interesting..huahua.. *nangis
1. Storyline -
yup, its all about Chun Li.
What she's interest in?
How and when did she learn martial arts?
Why she became angry? How she fight? and etc...
Storyline dia BORING, lama mau tgu Klimaks..huh!
n u can expect wuts coming up next and the storyline is dull and doesnt make sense at all..huh!
Im not a big fan of STREET FIGHTER but i do know something about it.
( Pernah men game masa budak2 and tgk kartun dia )
Tahu jg la ckit2 sepa yang kuat, sepa yang nda..huhu...
Adakah patut VEGA kena kasi kalah dgn mudahnya..
n lawan2 dia nda brapa byk n nda make ur to say "WOW!"
2. Cast-
Yap, I'm right.. wrong and terrible cast selection..
Chun Li shud be sexy, tall, independent women,tough and "got fires in her eyes"
but here, Kristin Kreuk as Chun Li- kurus, kecik, macam terasa nda kuat ja ni..
asal sya tgk dia blawan macm sya mau tgu SUPERMAN datang pg kasi selamat dia..
huhu.. lack of emotion and gagal membawa watak..
Aiya, Kristin Kreuk blakon sbgai Chun Li menyebabkan sya tidak terasa Chun Li tu hebat seperti yang disangka tym2 men game.. huahua... I'm telling you the truth (^_^)
patut Chun Li mcm gmbr di bawah ni ba..baru la hebat!!
take a look at the pic below..
langsung nda sama kan..spec mata pun nda pakai, rmbut kuning pun teda..
This is a MOVIE la, so make it real in MOVIE oni ma..
adui2.. dalam movie ble buat apa ja ba kan..
tgk tu star wars, n other movies pun ble buat all the characters alive..huhu..
and Chris Klein ni pelakon yg Alvin n the Chipmunks kan,
so I keep thinking mana c ALVINNNN!!!! huhu....
Actuali, Nash is a serious police character,
but Chris Klein make it funny serious ridiculous police character..
Maybe muka dia memang nmpk lawak so funny la tgk dia serius.. :)
part sedih pun nda terasa coz mmg formal btul..adui2..
Aiya, nda mo la complaint byk2, for the conclusion, kami nda rekomen la tgk ni..
but kalu mo for fun n saja wasting money and time, ba buli la pg tgk :) hihi
Sorry, bad review from me here :)
Gave it;
2 over 5 STARS