Memandangkan sya pun org SABAHAN yang asli
so I cant ignore this advertisement - voting thingy :)
Well, for me, utk mau vote sesuatu or seseorg,
sya mesti mau ambik tau lu apa dia sebenarnya,
apa yang menarik,
apa yang kita dapat,
and apa yang best ni kan :)

Kenapa sya nda pernah pigi?
Nah.. patut la sya nda pernah pigi, coz dia jauh nun di sana dkt Tawau..
Ish.. ish.. ish..
sya blum lagi sampai sana..
nanti mau jg kasi sampai kaki ku ini ke sana..

( Uinah.. bikin takut tu.. ada barracudas, hammerhead sharks..
sya ingat di negara Org Putih ja ada..
rupa2nya di negeri ku sendiri ada.. bangga ni tau.. )

Within this underwater circus lies one of the world's freshest dive sites -
Borneo's Sipidan Island.
Seeing 10 green and hawksbill turtles in one dive is not uncommon,
nor is seeing a school of 300 barracuda and hammerheads
The proximity of dives to shore allows you to gear up, swim out a few yards,
and get some of the best diving of your life."

rising 2,000 feet or 600m from the seabed;
it has been formed by living corals growing on top of an extinct volcanic cone that took thousands of years to develop.
Sipadan is located at the heart of the Indo-Pacific basin,
the centre of one of the richest marine habitats in the world.
More than 3,000 species of fish and hundreds of coral species have been classified in this ecosystem.
( uish nah.. hebat2 woo... RICHEST MARINE HABITATS IN THE WORLD lg tu.. )

Pulau Sipadan is located off the small coastal town of Semporna on Sabah's eastern coast.
Just 15 feet from the beach, the water turns indigo blue as the sea drops abruptly to 2,850ft deep!
It is rather awe-inspiring.
Myriad of colorful tropical fish swim in the warm water near the surface whereas huge groupers nose about.
( uiyo amcm la rupa dia tu kan... )
Moreover, the water gets so dark that one would not really know what lurks below.
This famous feature won Sipadan island a "Best Beach Dive in the World" award in 1993.
( Wawawa... kalu sya pandai diving, sini la heaven :) hebat2 ... )

The main attraction for divers is the rich and unique variety of corals both soft and hard.
Reef fish of every shape and hue can be found in these waters.
Colorful butterfly fishes, angel fishes, damsel fishes of electric blue and bright orange colors inhabit the coral reefs, thus adding to the splendor of the underwater havens.
( Wawawa.. ini baru membaca dan menengok gmbr ni.. blum lagi pg experience sendiri kan .. )

bukan selalu diving,
bukan selalu nmpk haiwan laut yang ganjil..
and bukan slalu kita bjemur ..hihi..
Pelancong dtg sini jauh2 and byr mahal2 lagi tu..
bagus kita pun pigi la datang sana kan.. :)
and vote this Sipadan..

kita juga yang untung ( walaupun bukan untung byk, kena tempias untung pun ble la kan )
byk pelancong p negeri kita, ekonomi jadi bgs,
membuka peluang pekerjaan, emm ..
yang penting, harap2 kalu kita p sana aa diskaun la.. miahahha.. :D
So, Mari la kita VOTE FOR SIPADAN..
Sipadan is beautiful, it was belong to Indonesia but now belong to Malaysia..
uiseh! santik btul.
yeshh!! vote for sipadan. sia suda vote, klau blh,, mau vote lagi ni :)
Ochi - :) yup dun be sad ya :) u may come over here :)
Xang- uiseh santik kan.. ko sda pernah pigi ka? atau mcm sya jg ni..hihihi..
NC- yeah :) ngam2.. ba vote lagi la utk sepa2 yg ko kenal.. vote utk datuk nenek, vote utk anak yang nanti baru lahir..hihi :)
Gallivanter - oh... Good for you :) hihi... ;))
wAH! Cantiknya. Hati hati jgn kena culik sudahla
mmg teringin nak g sana... tp lebih best if pandai dive... huhuuh..
ya, vote, vote jangan tak vote.
it's nice if diving fee is not expensive...buli juga pigi try diving sana sipadan. :)
but then again, kalau diving fee is cheap..everybody will go there...and surely all the beautiful chorals will be affected....
Willie- cantik kan.... ya ba.. takut2 ni kena culik abu Sayaff.. huhu...bikin rusak nama Sabah ja kes culik menculik ni..huahua
prebetsabu - ya :) sya pun, org Sabah sendiri pun tak pernah pigi..huhu.. best kan kalu pandai diving.. kalu nda pandai nanti tenggelam timbul ja la jawabnya..miahhaha...
chegu carol- hi chegu carol.. ya vote :) ya ka? emm but mau diving sana sipadan tu jauh tu.. mmg mau try jg ni diving :) hihi.. mau minta ajar Kris :) chegu pernah pg sana sipadan ka? ba share la gmbr :)
Nice island
Tikno- thanks.. ;))
hehehe funny, i use to work with travel agent (inbound tours). i sold this package a lot, but the funny thing is i never been sipandan island heheh what a shame eh, my husband been there and he have lot of picture (beautiful pic). maybe one day i will :).
SJB - halo there :) yiiii... oh my.. poor us :) hihi.. ya i think we shud go there.. at least once :) what a wonderful place we have here in Sabah rite?? :)
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