but Me, Myself looking for Kadazan Dusun tuition,
and I really want to learn that language..
hihi yap I can't speaks KaDus but I do understand a lil' bit..
I can read and write that language but blank2 lo :D miahaha..My parents are both KaDus
but they didn't teach me the language since I was a kid,
Because they're using the KaDus language as a secret language
so that we'll never knw what they're talking about.. huahua ..
Sedih ba nda tau KaDus Lang ni..
sya mau baca blog c Kisty and Hahangai Avanus pun susah ni..
Arghh.. satu kerugian yg amat besar kalu nda pandai bahasa ibunda sendiri.. Adoi..
sya dengar2 ada chegu hebat boleh ajar bahasa Kadazan Dusun
dlm masa 3 bulan trus pandai :)
hihi sepa yang kenal ni chegu bgto sya ar.. sya mau tuition sama dia :)
kalu kamurang pun ble cakap n faham KaDus ba, ckap la sm sya ar..
ble kita blajar2 cni blog kan..
jan biarkan bahasa kita ditelan zaman.. or ditelan oleh bahasa lain..
aiseymen (^-^)
Okay, received award from Marz ,
thanks Miss Marz :)
1. The winner can put the logo on his/her awesome blog.
2. Link the person you received your award from.
3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs.
4. Put links of those blogs on yours.
5. Leave a message on the blogs of those you’ve nominated!
- GregChai
- Nancy
- Rahma
- Izan
- Chegu Carol
- AngelBear
- Angel
- Kisty
- Gallivanter
- Papajoneh
Want to say that ~ I LOVE YOUR BLOG :)
( Nda apa la terlebih sda coz dia ckp atleast 7 kan.. hihi ..
ba passing2 sama blogger friends ar :) )