Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Hi everybody.. :)
Well, it's not that I want to advertise or promote my physics tuition here,
but Me, Myself looking for Kadazan Dusun tuition,
and I really want to learn that language..
hihi yap I can't speaks KaDus but I do understand a lil' bit..
I can read and write that language but blank2 lo :D miahaha..My parents are both KaDus
but they didn't teach me the language since I was a kid,

Because they're using the KaDus language as a secret language
so that we'll never knw what they're talking about.. huahua ..

Sedih ba nda tau KaDus Lang ni..
sya mau baca blog c Kisty and Hahangai Avanus pun susah ni..
Arghh.. satu kerugian yg amat besar kalu nda pandai bahasa ibunda sendiri.. Adoi..

sya dengar2 ada chegu hebat boleh ajar bahasa Kadazan Dusun
dlm masa 3 bulan trus pandai :)

hihi sepa yang kenal ni chegu bgto sya ar.. sya mau tuition sama dia :)
kalu kamurang pun ble cakap n faham KaDus ba, ckap la sm sya ar..
ble kita blajar2 cni blog kan..
jan biarkan bahasa kita ditelan zaman.. or ditelan oleh bahasa lain..
aiseymen (^-^)

Okay, received award from Marz ,
thanks Miss Marz :)

1. The winner can put the logo on his/her awesome blog.

2. Link the person you received your award from.

3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs.

4. Put links of those blogs on yours.

5. Leave a message on the blogs of those you’ve nominated!

I would like to nominate ( blog yg sya slalu terpigi );
- GregChai
- Nancy
- Rahma
- Izan
- Chegu Carol
- AngelBear
- Angel
- Kisty
- Gallivanter
- Papajoneh

Want to say that ~ I LOVE YOUR BLOG :)

( Nda apa la terlebih sda coz dia ckp atleast 7 kan.. hihi ..
ba passing2 sama blogger friends ar :) )

Cheers :)


Hi everybody.. :)
Well, it's not that I want to advertise or promote my physics tuition here,
but Me, Myself looking for Kadazan Dusun tuition,
and I really want to learn that language..
hihi yap I can't speaks KaDus but I do understand a lil' bit..
I can read and write that language but blank2 lo :D miahaha..My parents are both KaDus
but they didn't teach me the language since I was a kid,

Because they're using the KaDus language as a secret language
so that we'll never knw what they're talking about.. huahua ..

Sedih ba nda tau KaDus Lang ni..
sya mau baca blog c Kisty and Hahangai Avanus pun susah ni..
Arghh.. satu kerugian yg amat besar kalu nda pandai bahasa ibunda sendiri.. Adoi..

sya dengar2 ada chegu hebat boleh ajar bahasa Kadazan Dusun
dlm masa 3 bulan trus pandai :)

hihi sepa yang kenal ni chegu bgto sya ar.. sya mau tuition sama dia :)
kalu kamurang pun ble cakap n faham KaDus ba, ckap la sm sya ar..
ble kita blajar2 cni blog kan..
jan biarkan bahasa kita ditelan zaman.. or ditelan oleh bahasa lain..
aiseymen (^-^)

Okay, received award from Marz ,
thanks Miss Marz :)

1. The winner can put the logo on his/her awesome blog.

2. Link the person you received your award from.

3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs.

4. Put links of those blogs on yours.

5. Leave a message on the blogs of those you’ve nominated!

I would like to nominate ( blog yg sya slalu terpigi );
- GregChai
- Nancy
- Rahma
- Izan
- Chegu Carol
- AngelBear
- Angel
- Kisty
- Gallivanter
- Papajoneh

Want to say that ~ I LOVE YOUR BLOG :)

( Nda apa la terlebih sda coz dia ckp atleast 7 kan.. hihi ..
ba passing2 sama blogger friends ar :) )

Cheers :)

Monday, March 30, 2009

Piece of mind

Halo all...
Happy 'Moan'Day :)
Well, I've learned some lesson recently, which is;
and now, What I would like to do is to ask my FELLOW BLOGGER FRIENDS ,
honestly to answer me,
if you are the one with open minded in your head and
simply take something simple and tidak mau jadi 'penceramah' ??
huahua.. ba ask yourself ar and bgto sya..
coz if you are, then you can join along wif me and other blogger friends :)
sya harap smua pun okay la kan ( setakat ni smua my blogger friends yg plg cool and best, sampai sya pun addicted blogging bcoz of u,u,u,. )
.. simply can take it and jan talampau emo la kan..

kalu kmu bukan pun, bkn jg sya nda mo kwn,
but I will jaga2 mulut la :) ~ nda mo komen lebih2 coz some people can't take it..

This kind of people, they simply look for your mistake and blame ,blame and blame ..
no forgiveness or mercy
and nda baca or dengar betul2..huh! ~Boring

Yesterday, something bad happened
( but I considered it as 'dont-give-a-d@*n' matter
and I really did 'not-give-a-d@*n la' ..
buang karan ja)

I have discussions wif Kris and one of my blogger friends
discuss pya discuss
and the conclusion is;
Skrg kami mo kengkawan dgn mereka yg open minded n more profesional seja la,
bukan memilih coz kalu nda 'sebulu' nanti lain pula jadinya kan..

nanti kita cakap lain, orang fikir lain.. susah la pula kan..
so if you think you can get along wif me and others yg open, then join us..

Kita di World of Blogging kalu nda open and nda share2 ni susah la kan..
jangan la ba
apa yg dibaca mau marah, apa yg dilihat mau keji, apa yang didengar mau kritik..
adui.. teda lagi cara utk buat hidup ini lebih gumbira ka?
( Lama sda sya nda bergumbira brabis ni, masi menghidap penyakit angau .. miahahaa)

*Ko tulis la apa ko mau tulis, and sya pun tulis apa yg sya mau tulis..
it's the freedom of speech ma..and benda kecik nda payah la mau kasih besar, mcm ja ada piala..
aiseymen, serius pula.. but Never Mind la..
saja ja mau share :) ada tau org begini..

hati2 la kamurang ar, bkn smua org ble terima pendapat , lawak or wutsoever,
but ble consider lagi tu kalu nda ble terima pun nda apa,
asal profesional la ckit kan.. :)

I've detected kengkawan yang open minded and profesional,
cara bercakap tu sgt2 bagus , n sya respect ni :) cheers
ok, share wif you; Chegu Carol, Greg, and Angelbear..
Even sya nda kenal dorg personally, the way they think and speak di internet mmg profesional la :)
which I should learn dr dorg.. ( ba mari kita kawan dorg )

Ba, my friends out there, help me by simply answer me okay :)
coz I really don't wanna start a fight :) and dun wanna lose a friend like U :)


( Muka penat lepas Kem pengawas )

Piece of mind

Halo all...
Happy 'Moan'Day :)
Well, I've learned some lesson recently, which is;
and now, What I would like to do is to ask my FELLOW BLOGGER FRIENDS ,
honestly to answer me,
if you are the one with open minded in your head and
simply take something simple and tidak mau jadi 'penceramah' ??
huahua.. ba ask yourself ar and bgto sya..
coz if you are, then you can join along wif me and other blogger friends :)
sya harap smua pun okay la kan ( setakat ni smua my blogger friends yg plg cool and best, sampai sya pun addicted blogging bcoz of u,u,u,. )
.. simply can take it and jan talampau emo la kan..

kalu kmu bukan pun, bkn jg sya nda mo kwn,
but I will jaga2 mulut la :) ~ nda mo komen lebih2 coz some people can't take it..

This kind of people, they simply look for your mistake and blame ,blame and blame ..
no forgiveness or mercy
and nda baca or dengar betul2..huh! ~Boring

Yesterday, something bad happened
( but I considered it as 'dont-give-a-d@*n' matter
and I really did 'not-give-a-d@*n la' ..
buang karan ja)

I have discussions wif Kris and one of my blogger friends
discuss pya discuss
and the conclusion is;
Skrg kami mo kengkawan dgn mereka yg open minded n more profesional seja la,
bukan memilih coz kalu nda 'sebulu' nanti lain pula jadinya kan..

nanti kita cakap lain, orang fikir lain.. susah la pula kan..
so if you think you can get along wif me and others yg open, then join us..

Kita di World of Blogging kalu nda open and nda share2 ni susah la kan..
jangan la ba
apa yg dibaca mau marah, apa yg dilihat mau keji, apa yang didengar mau kritik..
adui.. teda lagi cara utk buat hidup ini lebih gumbira ka?
( Lama sda sya nda bergumbira brabis ni, masi menghidap penyakit angau .. miahahaa)

*Ko tulis la apa ko mau tulis, and sya pun tulis apa yg sya mau tulis..
it's the freedom of speech ma..and benda kecik nda payah la mau kasih besar, mcm ja ada piala..
aiseymen, serius pula.. but Never Mind la..
saja ja mau share :) ada tau org begini..

hati2 la kamurang ar, bkn smua org ble terima pendapat , lawak or wutsoever,
but ble consider lagi tu kalu nda ble terima pun nda apa,
asal profesional la ckit kan.. :)

I've detected kengkawan yang open minded and profesional,
cara bercakap tu sgt2 bagus , n sya respect ni :) cheers
ok, share wif you; Chegu Carol, Greg, and Angelbear..
Even sya nda kenal dorg personally, the way they think and speak di internet mmg profesional la :)
which I should learn dr dorg.. ( ba mari kita kawan dorg )

Ba, my friends out there, help me by simply answer me okay :)
coz I really don't wanna start a fight :) and dun wanna lose a friend like U :)


( Muka penat lepas Kem pengawas )

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Kemenangan hati

Currently addicted on listening to one of Indonesian Song
Title : Kemenangan Hati
Singers : Yulie, feat Gea and Dirly

sya pun nda tau dr mana sya dpt ni lagu but sya suka...huahua...
Penyanyi dia kalu kamu realize cni ialah Dirly hero yang sinetron Jelita tu..
( I dont watch Jelita k but ambik tahu ja la spy ble bcerita sm org )
He's the runner-up for Indonesia Idol yg nda tau ke berapa pya season

Ba dengarla siok ni, sya kira mau 'culik' lagu ni for my Wedding Day... yay

*Well, during this Lenten season,
I've promised myself not to start a fight or yell or do something bad or easily get angry..
tinggal beberapa weeks lagi hopefully I made it..
atau kalu buli selama2nya la..
coz I am Happy Go Lucky gurl :)

* Pray harder ( supaya dapat kemenangan hati sendiri :) )
- Oh God strengthen myself ar :) Love you God

Kemenangan hati

Currently addicted on listening to one of Indonesian Song
Title : Kemenangan Hati
Singers : Yulie, feat Gea and Dirly

sya pun nda tau dr mana sya dpt ni lagu but sya suka...huahua...
Penyanyi dia kalu kamu realize cni ialah Dirly hero yang sinetron Jelita tu..
( I dont watch Jelita k but ambik tahu ja la spy ble bcerita sm org )
He's the runner-up for Indonesia Idol yg nda tau ke berapa pya season

Ba dengarla siok ni, sya kira mau 'culik' lagu ni for my Wedding Day... yay

*Well, during this Lenten season,
I've promised myself not to start a fight or yell or do something bad or easily get angry..
tinggal beberapa weeks lagi hopefully I made it..
atau kalu buli selama2nya la..
coz I am Happy Go Lucky gurl :)

* Pray harder ( supaya dapat kemenangan hati sendiri :) )
- Oh God strengthen myself ar :) Love you God

Blame the teachers!!

Hai all...
today I saw a video at FB ( Smart boy )
which shows a student that can't spell correctly or maybe read.
It was recorded by some teachers whom maybe find it funny and want to share wif us all :)

Me myself find this video really funny and it's not something new to me since I've found many student like him :)

however some body have some thought...
they think this video is humiliating the kid and 'mau saman' itu teacher ..

Well, I respect their thoughts..

but for my point of view as a teacher,
1) It's not a big deal u know .. ini video hanya sekadar mau show betapa funny murid yg nda pandai ni and just laugh seja la kalu funny.. adui2 susah2 lg...
( Tau la kan, penghibur seorang guru adalah muridnya ja ba kan..
kalu sya stress2 mengajar pandai tu murid buat funny pura2 'bodoh' untuk kasi ketawa sya and tarik phatian sya spy ajar dia lebih lg kunun.. )
in this case- pelajar tu pun mcm biasa ja pun.. I dont see any harm ..
then tu cikgu bknnya maki hamun kasi jatuh air muka brabis kan,
and dia pakai reverse psiko lg tu.. emm..

2) maybe ini teacher rasa funny and mau denda ni budak kasi rakam dia pya kelemahan supaya dia rasa malu lenkali blajar lagi bersungguh2..
- maybe ini salah satu method cgu tu spy memotivasi pelajar tu belajar lagi..
since mau denda pelajar pun susah kan,
suru berdiri atas kerusi nda boleh,
suru berdiri atas meja nda boleh, rotan nda boleh, apa pun nda boleh..
jadi cgu tiada choice mau tunjukkan yg murid tu buat kesalahan..
Mau cakap bagus2 like "Belajar la ar bgs2 jgn gitu jgn gini.." huh- i bet you kalu dorg mau dgr :)
then lama2 pelajar jadi besar kepala, tiada siapa yg dpt control even their parents..
so mau blame siapa ya ? teacher ja la kan...
( KPM sudah menunjukkan baik hati spy pelajar tidak di apa2 kan oleh guru tau..
jadi apa yg patut pelajar buat, blajar la ba bagus2..)
and kepada siapa2 out there yang ada cadangan BERNAS utk denda pelajar bgto ar.. :)

3) From this video- we can see this student is really weak, even lagu yang paling 'famous' di Sabah pun dia nda dpt nyanyi..

Saya di cni tidak mau ungkitla kalu student dpt good result and shud be thanked to teachers ka.. nda apa la kalu nda mau thank you ka..
smua cikgu yang sya tau ni ikhlas ba mengajar,
suka hati la pelajar mau say thank you ka nda kan.. yang penting ikhlas :)

Its not a big deal, but u think it is a big deal, then bgto la sm teacher apa patut buat..
Teacher shud do this, do that.. or wutsoever..
Utk pengetahuan smua, terdapat byk jenis or pelbagai ragam pelajar kan,
maka setiap pelajar tu cikgu tpaksa handle dgn cara yg berlainan..
bukan senang kan...

Well, sebenarnya this video is only for fun
and to show how hard it is to be a teacher to have this kind of students..
apa la salah guru berhibur kan..

So, teachers...
watch out ur action, attitude and words coz they're watching us!!

and ready to blame us..

* Lenkali kalu mau share ni video, share dgn cikgu2 ja la ar, jan dgn org lain, k ..

Cheers happy sunday all :)

Blame the teachers!!

Hai all...
today I saw a video at FB ( Smart boy )
which shows a student that can't spell correctly or maybe read.
It was recorded by some teachers whom maybe find it funny and want to share wif us all :)

Me myself find this video really funny and it's not something new to me since I've found many student like him :)

however some body have some thought...
they think this video is humiliating the kid and 'mau saman' itu teacher ..

Well, I respect their thoughts..

but for my point of view as a teacher,
1) It's not a big deal u know .. ini video hanya sekadar mau show betapa funny murid yg nda pandai ni and just laugh seja la kalu funny.. adui2 susah2 lg...
( Tau la kan, penghibur seorang guru adalah muridnya ja ba kan..
kalu sya stress2 mengajar pandai tu murid buat funny pura2 'bodoh' untuk kasi ketawa sya and tarik phatian sya spy ajar dia lebih lg kunun.. )
in this case- pelajar tu pun mcm biasa ja pun.. I dont see any harm ..
then tu cikgu bknnya maki hamun kasi jatuh air muka brabis kan,
and dia pakai reverse psiko lg tu.. emm..

2) maybe ini teacher rasa funny and mau denda ni budak kasi rakam dia pya kelemahan supaya dia rasa malu lenkali blajar lagi bersungguh2..
- maybe ini salah satu method cgu tu spy memotivasi pelajar tu belajar lagi..
since mau denda pelajar pun susah kan,
suru berdiri atas kerusi nda boleh,
suru berdiri atas meja nda boleh, rotan nda boleh, apa pun nda boleh..
jadi cgu tiada choice mau tunjukkan yg murid tu buat kesalahan..
Mau cakap bagus2 like "Belajar la ar bgs2 jgn gitu jgn gini.." huh- i bet you kalu dorg mau dgr :)
then lama2 pelajar jadi besar kepala, tiada siapa yg dpt control even their parents..
so mau blame siapa ya ? teacher ja la kan...
( KPM sudah menunjukkan baik hati spy pelajar tidak di apa2 kan oleh guru tau..
jadi apa yg patut pelajar buat, blajar la ba bagus2..)
and kepada siapa2 out there yang ada cadangan BERNAS utk denda pelajar bgto ar.. :)

3) From this video- we can see this student is really weak, even lagu yang paling 'famous' di Sabah pun dia nda dpt nyanyi..

Saya di cni tidak mau ungkitla kalu student dpt good result and shud be thanked to teachers ka.. nda apa la kalu nda mau thank you ka..
smua cikgu yang sya tau ni ikhlas ba mengajar,
suka hati la pelajar mau say thank you ka nda kan.. yang penting ikhlas :)

Its not a big deal, but u think it is a big deal, then bgto la sm teacher apa patut buat..
Teacher shud do this, do that.. or wutsoever..
Utk pengetahuan smua, terdapat byk jenis or pelbagai ragam pelajar kan,
maka setiap pelajar tu cikgu tpaksa handle dgn cara yg berlainan..
bukan senang kan...

Well, sebenarnya this video is only for fun
and to show how hard it is to be a teacher to have this kind of students..
apa la salah guru berhibur kan..

So, teachers...
watch out ur action, attitude and words coz they're watching us!!

and ready to blame us..

* Lenkali kalu mau share ni video, share dgn cikgu2 ja la ar, jan dgn org lain, k ..

Cheers happy sunday all :)

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

SPP Interview

Yay.. this morning,
I just went for SPP ( Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Pelajaran )Interview
at Bahagian Pendidikan Guru ( BPG ) Gaya..
This interview is for 'pengesahan jawatan' sebagai guru.. hihi :)

Well, to be honest, I get totally blank and didn't get to answer all the questions very well..huhu *sad
Want to share wif you ( guru2 yg mo pg sah jawatan )
My interviewer is Mdm Harvinder Kaur. She's a very pleasant dan kind woman. ;) wink

Soalan2 yg ditanya ;

1) Terangkan diri anda- pengalaman belajar dan bekerja

2) I told her that I'm a "Guru Disiplin" at my school, she's like "What? how come?" and i answered her.. bla bla bla...
then she asked
- "Bagaimana dan apakah peranan anda sebagai guru disiplin? " -
" Apakah cabaran yang telah anda hadapi di sekolah sebagai guru disiplin?"

( Interviewer mmg akan kaitkan apa jawapan kamu untuk buat soalan ..huh! )

3 ) PPSMI ( Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran Sains & Matematik dalam bahasa Inggeris )
- ( Mmg sya sda jangka coz ajar sains n maths kan..huhu .. )
"Apakah cabaran yang anda hadapi semasa PPSMI?"

"Bagaimanakah anda mengatasi masalah ini? " (
Adoi2.. blank2 btul sya.. mcm2 la sya ckp, pelajar susah mau tangkap konsep sains & m3, then caranya ajar pakai kaedah inkuiri.. hoho .. and etc )

4 ) PIPP ( Pelan Induk Pembangunan Pendidikan )
huh.. Soalannya berbunyi begini "Tau PIPP??" pastu sya ckp "tau"
" Apakah matlamat PIPP ? "
( Tym ni, sya mcm kepala terbalik sj.. sya totally forgot the dasar and matlamat PIPP .. Damn! Sya ckp jak pasal Minda Kelas Pertama.. bla bla bla.. then dia kasi sambung.. then sya sambung lagi.. huh nasib baik.. )

" Berikan 6 Teras utama PIPP "
( yes ini sya hafal la brabis, but teras ke-5 sya buli lupa la.. then sya ckp emm.. yang pasal keguruan la.. trus puan cakap memartabatkan.... then sya sambung.. huahua.. sambung menyambung ja ni :)

" Pilih salah satu teras dan terangkan"

nah, di sini sya mo pilih pun lama,
sya pilih ja teras ke-2 pasal Modal Insan and "goreng"
Nah itu sahaja.. 20 minit juga la.. :) tulung la sya pass this interview pastu sah jawatan..yeah :)

but abis interview jam 2.30pm sya org ke-3 last..huhu.. and trus cuti la ni hari ..hihi :)

Okay sya mau jawab lu tag dari Angel and Beck.. Tag yg lain.. ba palan2 sya buat ar.. cigu ni malas sikit mau buat kerja rumah tag.. hihi :) Kalu ambik gambar, cigu suka but kalu tanya personal tu, mcm susah ckit .. Kalu mo tanya yg personal2 kita ym2 la k :)

1~snap the picture of both inner and outer of your purse 2~Introduce your purse brand,price n where u buy
Greenwich Polo.. gift dari hubi :) beli sana Citymall..

3~take out whatever its inside ur purse
alalalaa... malas la mo kasi kuar.. wut u see is wut is inside la tu.. :)

yap, lesen masi P lagi..huhu.. and blum ada kad kredit..huhu..

4~tagged other 7 person
Yang sya mau tinguk dorg pya dumpit ialah ;
1) Nancy
2) Rahma
3) Xang
4) Marz
5) Miss Mathew
6) Izan
7) Carmel
* Yg lain sda kena tag tu kan : )

5~Comment on ur fren's (who tagged u) purse..
Angel -ba buang la di tong sampah tu kertas nombor giliran tu..hahaha :)
wah di mana jg ko beli tu purse Louis Vuitton tu.. mcm mahal ni .. nda sangka pula kan.. :)

Beck - tersusun and bersih purse c beck :) mcm sya pya purse..
( aiseymen perasan pula, padahal mimang baru pun sya pya purse hadiah Xmas dr hubi.. )

SPP Interview

Yay.. this morning,
I just went for SPP ( Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Pelajaran )Interview
at Bahagian Pendidikan Guru ( BPG ) Gaya..
This interview is for 'pengesahan jawatan' sebagai guru.. hihi :)

Well, to be honest, I get totally blank and didn't get to answer all the questions very well..huhu *sad
Want to share wif you ( guru2 yg mo pg sah jawatan )
My interviewer is Mdm Harvinder Kaur. She's a very pleasant dan kind woman. ;) wink

Soalan2 yg ditanya ;

1) Terangkan diri anda- pengalaman belajar dan bekerja

2) I told her that I'm a "Guru Disiplin" at my school, she's like "What? how come?" and i answered her.. bla bla bla...
then she asked
- "Bagaimana dan apakah peranan anda sebagai guru disiplin? " -
" Apakah cabaran yang telah anda hadapi di sekolah sebagai guru disiplin?"

( Interviewer mmg akan kaitkan apa jawapan kamu untuk buat soalan ..huh! )

3 ) PPSMI ( Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran Sains & Matematik dalam bahasa Inggeris )
- ( Mmg sya sda jangka coz ajar sains n maths kan..huhu .. )
"Apakah cabaran yang anda hadapi semasa PPSMI?"

"Bagaimanakah anda mengatasi masalah ini? " (
Adoi2.. blank2 btul sya.. mcm2 la sya ckp, pelajar susah mau tangkap konsep sains & m3, then caranya ajar pakai kaedah inkuiri.. hoho .. and etc )

4 ) PIPP ( Pelan Induk Pembangunan Pendidikan )
huh.. Soalannya berbunyi begini "Tau PIPP??" pastu sya ckp "tau"
" Apakah matlamat PIPP ? "
( Tym ni, sya mcm kepala terbalik sj.. sya totally forgot the dasar and matlamat PIPP .. Damn! Sya ckp jak pasal Minda Kelas Pertama.. bla bla bla.. then dia kasi sambung.. then sya sambung lagi.. huh nasib baik.. )

" Berikan 6 Teras utama PIPP "
( yes ini sya hafal la brabis, but teras ke-5 sya buli lupa la.. then sya ckp emm.. yang pasal keguruan la.. trus puan cakap memartabatkan.... then sya sambung.. huahua.. sambung menyambung ja ni :)

" Pilih salah satu teras dan terangkan"

nah, di sini sya mo pilih pun lama,
sya pilih ja teras ke-2 pasal Modal Insan and "goreng"
Nah itu sahaja.. 20 minit juga la.. :) tulung la sya pass this interview pastu sah jawatan..yeah :)

but abis interview jam 2.30pm sya org ke-3 last..huhu.. and trus cuti la ni hari ..hihi :)

Okay sya mau jawab lu tag dari Angel and Beck.. Tag yg lain.. ba palan2 sya buat ar.. cigu ni malas sikit mau buat kerja rumah tag.. hihi :) Kalu ambik gambar, cigu suka but kalu tanya personal tu, mcm susah ckit .. Kalu mo tanya yg personal2 kita ym2 la k :)

1~snap the picture of both inner and outer of your purse 2~Introduce your purse brand,price n where u buy
Greenwich Polo.. gift dari hubi :) beli sana Citymall..

3~take out whatever its inside ur purse
alalalaa... malas la mo kasi kuar.. wut u see is wut is inside la tu.. :)

yap, lesen masi P lagi..huhu.. and blum ada kad kredit..huhu..

4~tagged other 7 person
Yang sya mau tinguk dorg pya dumpit ialah ;
1) Nancy
2) Rahma
3) Xang
4) Marz
5) Miss Mathew
6) Izan
7) Carmel
* Yg lain sda kena tag tu kan : )

5~Comment on ur fren's (who tagged u) purse..
Angel -ba buang la di tong sampah tu kertas nombor giliran tu..hahaha :)
wah di mana jg ko beli tu purse Louis Vuitton tu.. mcm mahal ni .. nda sangka pula kan.. :)

Beck - tersusun and bersih purse c beck :) mcm sya pya purse..
( aiseymen perasan pula, padahal mimang baru pun sya pya purse hadiah Xmas dr hubi.. )

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Now I know

When it comes to changing our template/ layout,
the 1st thing come in mind is
"adei, mo copy paste lagi tu blog kengkawan di blog list satu2"

bukan apa, panat ba copy paste satu2 kan and kekadang tu pandai tertinggal lagi tu..

*nanti takut pula ada yg sakit hati blog link dia hilang.. :)
but hihi..
Baru saya tau amcm spy tu bloglist nda hilang and kasi ganti dia dgn sebaik mungkin...

Hey, jan ketawa ah sya baru tau ni sendiri, tiada org kestau sya..huhu :(
caranya senang aja,

pg Configure BLOGLIST

ada kluar yg mau type ADD TO YOUR BLOGLIST

then SELECT ALL ..

Senang kan ? :)
Nah, skrg senang ja mo tukar template/ layout :)

Ini akan lebih mudah kalu org yang byk follow jadi nda pyh susah2 lagi..
kpd yang tiada follow sepa2 tu , nah, susah la nda dpt guna :)
so sekarang mari kita main follow2 ( or bubut2 ) .. k :)

Ohya, sepa2 yg teda bloglink dia tmpt sya.. bgto ya :)
mana tau la lupa k.. jan mare :)
Cheers happy Weekend :)

Now I know

When it comes to changing our template/ layout,
the 1st thing come in mind is
"adei, mo copy paste lagi tu blog kengkawan di blog list satu2"

bukan apa, panat ba copy paste satu2 kan and kekadang tu pandai tertinggal lagi tu..

*nanti takut pula ada yg sakit hati blog link dia hilang.. :)
but hihi..
Baru saya tau amcm spy tu bloglist nda hilang and kasi ganti dia dgn sebaik mungkin...

Hey, jan ketawa ah sya baru tau ni sendiri, tiada org kestau sya..huhu :(
caranya senang aja,

pg Configure BLOGLIST

ada kluar yg mau type ADD TO YOUR BLOGLIST

then SELECT ALL ..

Senang kan ? :)
Nah, skrg senang ja mo tukar template/ layout :)

Ini akan lebih mudah kalu org yang byk follow jadi nda pyh susah2 lagi..
kpd yang tiada follow sepa2 tu , nah, susah la nda dpt guna :)
so sekarang mari kita main follow2 ( or bubut2 ) .. k :)

Ohya, sepa2 yg teda bloglink dia tmpt sya.. bgto ya :)
mana tau la lupa k.. jan mare :)
Cheers happy Weekend :)

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Kris tidak suka...

Hubi said he didnt really like this new layout..
huhu.. dia ckp talampau biru-biru and
talampau pindik ( scroll ckit sda abis )
He said the old is better ..
huahua... thinking about changing it again but nanti la kan..
servay2 dlu mana template yang best..
nanti kalu ada masa mau blajar buat template sendiri..

yay sya sda addicted to blogging ( Mcm chegu Carol )
* Chegu Carol ~ i oredi did the quiz but 72% ja sya addicted..miahaha.. :)

Cheers all, happy friday and enjoy the weekend :)

and cuti sya mo abis sda..huahua.. sedih btul ni :(

Kris tidak suka...

Hubi said he didnt really like this new layout..
huhu.. dia ckp talampau biru-biru and
talampau pindik ( scroll ckit sda abis )
He said the old is better ..
huahua... thinking about changing it again but nanti la kan..
servay2 dlu mana template yang best..
nanti kalu ada masa mau blajar buat template sendiri..

yay sya sda addicted to blogging ( Mcm chegu Carol )
* Chegu Carol ~ i oredi did the quiz but 72% ja sya addicted..miahaha.. :)

Cheers all, happy friday and enjoy the weekend :)

and cuti sya mo abis sda..huahua.. sedih btul ni :(

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Walk a little Straighter Daddy

Just wanna share wif u all, one of my favorite country song.
This song is about a feeling of a son having a drinking father.

A Father is a leader of the family,
so all fathers shud think for their family especially their children.
Tgk tu budak di gambar yang dekat basikal tu, cian dia kan..
so be a good father.. dont drink and drive.. hihi :)
It's a beautiful song wif a beautiful message there.. ( listen to this song ya )

"Walk A Little Straighter"
by Billy Currington

I remember looking up
To look up to him
And I remember most the time
He wasn't there
I'd be waiting at the door
When he got home at night
He'd pass me by to go to pass out in his chair

And I'd say
"Walk a little straighter daddy
You're swaying side to side
Your footsteps make me dizzy
And no matter how I try
I keep tripping and stumbling
If you'd look down here you'd see
Walk a little straighter daddy
You're leading me ..."

He stumbled in the gym
On graduation day
And I couldn't help but feel
So ashamed
And I wasn't surprised a bit
When he didn't stay
He stumbled out before they called my name

And I thought
Walk a little straighter daddy
You're swaying side to side
It's not just me who's watching
you've caught everybody's eye
And you're tripping and stumbling
and even though I've turned 18
Walk a little straighter daddy
You're still leading me

The old mans still like he always was
But I love him anyway
If I've learned one thing from him
Its my kids will never have to say

"Walk a little straighter daddy
You're swaying side to side
Your footsteps make me dizzy
And no matter how I try
I keep tripping and stumbling
if you'd look down here you'd see
Walk a little straighter daddy
You're leading me

Yeah walk a little straighter daddy
You're leading me"

Walk a little Straighter Daddy

Just wanna share wif u all, one of my favorite country song.
This song is about a feeling of a son having a drinking father.

A Father is a leader of the family,
so all fathers shud think for their family especially their children.
Tgk tu budak di gambar yang dekat basikal tu, cian dia kan..
so be a good father.. dont drink and drive.. hihi :)
It's a beautiful song wif a beautiful message there.. ( listen to this song ya )

"Walk A Little Straighter"
by Billy Currington

I remember looking up
To look up to him
And I remember most the time
He wasn't there
I'd be waiting at the door
When he got home at night
He'd pass me by to go to pass out in his chair

And I'd say
"Walk a little straighter daddy
You're swaying side to side
Your footsteps make me dizzy
And no matter how I try
I keep tripping and stumbling
If you'd look down here you'd see
Walk a little straighter daddy
You're leading me ..."

He stumbled in the gym
On graduation day
And I couldn't help but feel
So ashamed
And I wasn't surprised a bit
When he didn't stay
He stumbled out before they called my name

And I thought
Walk a little straighter daddy
You're swaying side to side
It's not just me who's watching
you've caught everybody's eye
And you're tripping and stumbling
and even though I've turned 18
Walk a little straighter daddy
You're still leading me

The old mans still like he always was
But I love him anyway
If I've learned one thing from him
Its my kids will never have to say

"Walk a little straighter daddy
You're swaying side to side
Your footsteps make me dizzy
And no matter how I try
I keep tripping and stumbling
if you'd look down here you'd see
Walk a little straighter daddy
You're leading me

Yeah walk a little straighter daddy
You're leading me"

It's up to you

On this month of Lent,
I would like to have or to share some motivation or
shud i say a reminder for us.. :) In this life, we did have a choice and it's all UP to US!!
So LIVE LIFE ABUNDANTLY and make the right choice (^_^)

I gave you life, but I cannot live it for you.

I can teach you things, but I cannot make you learn.

I can give you directions, but I cannot always be there to lead you.

I can allow you freedom, but I cannot account for it.

I can take you to church, but I cannot make you believe.

I can teach you right from wrong, but I cannot decide for you.
I can give you love, but I cannot force it upon you.
I can teach you to be a friend, but I cannot make you one.
I can teach you to share, but I cannot make you unselfish.

I can teach you respect, but I cannot force you to show honor.
I can grieve about your report card but I cannot make you study,
I can advise you about friends, but I cannot choose them for you.

I can teach you about sex and the facts of life, but I cannot decide for you.

I can tell you about drinking, but I cannot say “no” for you.
I can warn you about drugs, but I cannot prevent you from using them.

I can teach you about goals and dreams, but I cannot achieve them for you.

I can teach you kindness, but I cannot force you to be kind.

I can warn you about sin, but I cannot make your morals.

I can love you as a [daughter] son, but I cannot place you in God’s family

I can pray for you and your future, but I cannot make you walk with God.

I can tell you how to live, but I cannot give you eternal life.

God is a good teacher, but it's all up to us, to be a good student...

It's up to you

On this month of Lent,
I would like to have or to share some motivation or
shud i say a reminder for us.. :) In this life, we did have a choice and it's all UP to US!!
So LIVE LIFE ABUNDANTLY and make the right choice (^_^)

I gave you life, but I cannot live it for you.

I can teach you things, but I cannot make you learn.

I can give you directions, but I cannot always be there to lead you.

I can allow you freedom, but I cannot account for it.

I can take you to church, but I cannot make you believe.

I can teach you right from wrong, but I cannot decide for you.
I can give you love, but I cannot force it upon you.
I can teach you to be a friend, but I cannot make you one.
I can teach you to share, but I cannot make you unselfish.

I can teach you respect, but I cannot force you to show honor.
I can grieve about your report card but I cannot make you study,
I can advise you about friends, but I cannot choose them for you.

I can teach you about sex and the facts of life, but I cannot decide for you.

I can tell you about drinking, but I cannot say “no” for you.
I can warn you about drugs, but I cannot prevent you from using them.

I can teach you about goals and dreams, but I cannot achieve them for you.

I can teach you kindness, but I cannot force you to be kind.

I can warn you about sin, but I cannot make your morals.

I can love you as a [daughter] son, but I cannot place you in God’s family

I can pray for you and your future, but I cannot make you walk with God.

I can tell you how to live, but I cannot give you eternal life.

God is a good teacher, but it's all up to us, to be a good student...

Monday, March 16, 2009

Friendship Award

Name 7 things/persons that you love and then pass this to 7 other bloggers....
1. God
2.My other half
3. My family
4. My friends
5. My Computer
6. My HP
7. Everything I own

Thank you NC for the awards.....

I'm giving these awards to :
1. Rahma
3. Carol KC
4. Belle
5. Angeline
6. Vienne

and actuali it goes to ALL my Blogger Friends ya (^_^)

Friendship Award

Name 7 things/persons that you love and then pass this to 7 other bloggers....
1. God
2.My other half
3. My family
4. My friends
5. My Computer
6. My HP
7. Everything I own

Thank you NC for the awards.....

I'm giving these awards to :
1. Rahma
3. Carol KC
4. Belle
5. Angeline
6. Vienne

and actuali it goes to ALL my Blogger Friends ya (^_^)

Krisnadia Template by Ipietoon Cute Blog Design