Well, I've learned some lesson recently, which is;
and now, What I would like to do is to ask my FELLOW BLOGGER FRIENDS ,
honestly to answer me,
if you are the one with open minded in your head and
simply take something simple and tidak mau jadi 'penceramah' ??
huahua.. ba ask yourself ar and bgto sya..
coz if you are, then you can join along wif me and other blogger friends :)
sya harap smua pun okay la kan ( setakat ni smua my blogger friends yg plg cool and best, sampai sya pun addicted blogging bcoz of u,u,u,. )
.. simply can take it and jan talampau emo la kan..
kalu kmu bukan pun, bkn jg sya nda mo kwn,
but I will jaga2 mulut la :) ~ nda mo komen lebih2 coz some people can't take it..
This kind of people, they simply look for your mistake and blame ,blame and blame ..
no forgiveness or mercy
and nda baca or dengar betul2..huh! ~Boring
Yesterday, something bad happened
( but I considered it as 'dont-give-a-d@*n' matter
and I really did 'not-give-a-d@*n la' ..
buang karan ja)
I have discussions wif Kris and one of my blogger friends
discuss pya discuss
and the conclusion is;
Skrg kami mo kengkawan dgn mereka yg open minded n more profesional seja la,
bukan memilih coz kalu nda 'sebulu' nanti lain pula jadinya kan..
nanti kita cakap lain, orang fikir lain.. susah la pula kan..
so if you think you can get along wif me and others yg open, then join us..
Kita di World of Blogging kalu nda open and nda share2 ni susah la kan..
jangan la ba
apa yg dibaca mau marah, apa yg dilihat mau keji, apa yang didengar mau kritik..
adui.. teda lagi cara utk buat hidup ini lebih gumbira ka?
( Lama sda sya nda bergumbira brabis ni, masi menghidap penyakit angau .. miahahaa)
*Ko tulis la apa ko mau tulis, and sya pun tulis apa yg sya mau tulis..
it's the freedom of speech ma..and benda kecik nda payah la mau kasih besar, mcm ja ada piala..
aiseymen, serius pula.. but Never Mind la..
saja ja mau share :) ada tau org begini..
hati2 la kamurang ar, bkn smua org ble terima pendapat , lawak or wutsoever,
but ble consider lagi tu kalu nda ble terima pun nda apa,
asal profesional la ckit kan.. :)
I've detected kengkawan yang open minded and profesional,
cara bercakap tu sgt2 bagus , n sya respect ni :) cheers
ok, share wif you; Chegu Carol, Greg, and Angelbear..
Even sya nda kenal dorg personally, the way they think and speak di internet mmg profesional la :)
which I should learn dr dorg.. ( ba mari kita kawan dorg )
Ba, my friends out there, help me by simply answer me okay :)
coz I really don't wanna start a fight :) and dun wanna lose a friend like U :)
adeh, segan pula kana bilang pro ... takut nanti sia jadi pro juga tapi problem hehehehe
cheers Cikgu
kasian ni si nadia..tapi penat2 pun masih kiut bah itu cikgu bukan mcm cikgu kalau pakai uniform budak sikul odoi gia macam tu murid sekolah...
na nadia sia ni jenis suka tgk gambar kalau baca ni lar mmg malas tapi sejak main blog ni sia rajin sudah baca dan tulis english walaupun english sia enda berapa bagus tapi sia mau semua org baca...ok lah ttg open minded ni...uhuhuh si sumunie ni nasib baik ja kontrol sikit kalau enda bukan lagi open minded.. itu mind beyond control sudah... btw.. sumunie boleh terima apa saja orang cakap tapi yang membina joke2 pun bule bah...sot juga sia ni...tapi kalau yang cakap main hentam maki hamun tu sia enda suka....sumunie bule masuk dalam senarai kah ni ah...mcm durang si AB,greg yg saya juga suka...he he he sia mau jadi kawan si nadia bah ni....
kesian c Nadia..cheer up cikgu..biarkan mereka itu..banyak lagi orang yang ko buli buat kawan..
kiut betul ba c nadia ni. mcm student ni. teda student form 5 ka upper 6 mengurat ko ka nadia? hehe.
tu la kan nadia. mmg ada orang yang x dapat terima pendapat orang lain ba. kalo x terima cara bagus okay, tp kadang2 ada juga yang x terima dengan cara x bagus. sabar saja la sama orang2 mcm ni nadia.
suruh dorng dengar lagi 'negatif' dari KRU la. fikir cara terbuka, jangan pandang negatif saja.. bilang drg.
eit.. ada tu budak2 form 2 minat c nadia di school.. hehe..
ba nadia.. apa2 pun, sabar ja kio.. mimang ada jenis manusia gini & susa mau mengubah diri.. walaupun ko inda sebut nama, tapi sa pecaya sepa makan itu lada, dia la rasa pedas-pedas.. peduli saja, tingu depan ja.. kalau itu cara diurang, ko relax ja.. masing2 buat hal sendiri kan nadia..
gd am cigu!
*gusuk2 mata* btl ka sy nmpk ne? uish! mcm budak ne cigu ne.
sy agree pa ko ckp cigu!
tu la durg di nama kn emo!~
lek2. sy jd kwn ko aa cigu!
Cheer up Nadia! Different people have different thinking kan? Biarlah tu, just get it over with... Sia pun ko bule kwn juga ;;).
Greg- ankol greg, cheers..alamak, jadi problem ka? nda baitu.. ;;)
Sumunie- hahaha, mau jd pro ba kunun, penat pun tetap senyum ba kan :) hihi... ooo sama la sm sya tu sumunie, semenjak berblogging ni semangat sda membaca and menulis english padahal kalu exam tu payah btul mau mengarang.. jadi skrg yg teda exam ni, kita berblogging la kan spy kebolehan mengarang kita nda hilang... :D wah, good la ble terima kan :) nice to know :) ya ba kan sepa la yg suka teda2 ni kena cari pasal kan :) hihi.. ba buli ba masuk senarai :) ramai2 kita yeah ;;) gembiranya sya :D
Carmel- ;;) ya ba.. mcm ko yg cantik molek kan :) aiseymen bangga jg sya ada kwn unduk ngadau ni tau :) hihi..
AnGeL - tenkiu2 ;;) malu pula ... teda ba yg mengurat.. garang ba sya ni..miahhaha... ;D pura2 garang.. kalu nda nanti kena pijak kepala.. yaba kan angel.. betul tu kau ckp.. angree wif you :) mcm nda profesional kan, kalu nda puas hati ckp ja la ba bgs2 kan, bknnya mau cr gaduh, bkn smua org suka bgaduh mcm dia tu..huahua... ya bsabar ja la, lebih2 lagi tym lenten season ni :)
♥ AnnieMing ♥ - aiks, ko ni.. jan bgto org.. malu..miahahaha... ;;) ya ba.. susah la kan annie.. biar la apa jg kita ble buat, diam and biar ja la mereka bgtu dgn gaya dorg.. yg penting hidup sya mau happy kan.. jadi sepa yg mau happy ble join yg happy, sepa yg mau bgaduh join yg mau bgaduh..huahua... ;))
♪ Heartphilla Xang ♪ - good morning :) btul ba? cgu baini.. hihi.. cgu disiplin lg tu..wuahahaha... :) :)) ya ba kan.. nda jg salah ba kalu talampau emo, but kalu nda dpt control emo tu yg bikin susah org lain ba kan.. mcm c angel ckp tu.. :)hihi... ;)
izanazuani - okay cheer up ;)) ya la lain org lain kepala.. miaahhhaa.. ya jan peduli mereka sana :) huhu.. yeay izan mau jadi kawan sya :) happy :D kita berkawan2 ar :)
Iya Nadia, tulis aja apa yang pingin ditulis, asal tulis yang baik baik ya, biar banyak dapet kawan dan sahabat
ticer..sepa 2 yg busuk hati.. ~x( x(
I had a tough time trying to understand the post bah. LOL!
Yeah, not all people are as open-minded. I have offended people in the past too. But that's how life is, you have people that support you and people who are against you. Just don't let it stop you from being you. :D
muka penat tp still cute n cunggggggggg....ahaksss
i wanted to post something last nite tp teruk lah my internet connection.
anyways, my dear nadia....lemme give you a big hug first... *hugsssssssssss*
you are one friend worth keeping bah.
despite our differences in some issues... :)
Errr...Did i missed something? I have been away for quite some time. Heheh
Oh? You're talking about blogging right? About what people think when they read your blog? Am i right?
Firstly, I do agree that you can express yourself directly or openly in your blog. However, there are certain guidelines that we should follow especially when it comes to moral and respect.
Take for example, we don't expose nudity or sexually immoral stories to public as they causes uneasiness to readers. Political issues should be dealt carefully when it comes to writing as it can be used against yourself or cause racial tension. Also, religious issues should be written in moderation as it can pose threats to your life when religious fanatics read your blog.
Nevertheless,you should be opened to any comments on your blog because, going online means, exposing ourselves to the world and being prepared to receive different views. As for my blog, I usually will not delete any negative comments as I do respect what other people think about my blog or what i write. However, to reduce unwanted comments, I would choose my blog topics wisely.
Secondly, It is cool to have people commenting in your blog especially when they say positive things about you write. In order to have more people like these in your blogs, make sure to visit their blogs and leave positive comments on their blogs. I am sure, you will meet many lovely people through your blog soon.
Well...well...HAPPY BLOGGING dear. Like others, you do look cute although you were tired. I'm sure Chris will say the same thing too.. Hahaha
Laaa Nadia, in my world pun ada juga urg cam tu bah. Sia buat dunno ja. Dah tu lama sudah sia inda ber-blog2 because ada urg cam tu inda serasih tu pendapat... kalo inda suka kasi biar lah jan critic org punya pendapat. Bikin tension ja mo pikir.
Sabar ja ko ah. Unfortunately these type of people always have the last words... inda mau kalah tu!
God bless you and yours kio...xoxo
wakahkahkah..apa plak..manada oh..sa hanyalah orang biasa..hahaha...
Alala cigu...jan ko susah hati bah :) yes, as Willie said, different ppl diff opinion bah..thtz wht makes ths world a unique plc to live in...musim Lent ni, Holy week is just around the corner..be patient :)
Macam lama pula sy menghilang ni smp nda tau apa2..haha
Gracie- alah cigu pun nda tau ooo.. nda dpt cgu hidu.. miahahaha... :)
Gallivanter- huh? miahahaha.. maybe it's in Malay :) thanks for sharing ya :)okay i will never stop being me :) and people just can easily change me ;;)
masviona- hi masviona.. wuahaha :) malulah :) ;;)
chegu carol- oh okay never mind.. internet mimang kekadang su*ks :) yeah... hugsssss too :) u r 1 friend worth keeping too :) never mind.. people have their own opinion, however it's just the way u express it kan :) u r so good n professional :)
Hi Nadia...Hmm, sa pun ada situasi mcm ko ni...kadang2 sa heran juga...sometimes kami saja cakap, tp ada org terasa n cuba kasi down kami ni...tp betullah apa ko ckp, "don't give a d**n about it"...
Hemm...after reading the comments and all, I wonder who is not 'open-minded' here? on and on and on and on......
Willie- nope u dont miss a thing.. hihi.. :) wow Willy thank you very much for the thoughts.. AGREE WIF YOU, it should be followed by moral and respect.. :) and "not to care and EMO too much kan" :) yeay I hope and i did met many lovely people through my blog.. :) Okay HAPPY BLOGGING TO YOU THERE.. I guess the readers here appreciate ur sharing :)
HotGipan - hihi.. :) ya agree wif you too.. btul2 tu "INDA MAU KALAH" then kasi biar ja dia menang sendiri.. nda tau apa dia dpt la kan..miakakaka.. ;;) I really dont wanna give a d@%n kan ;))
Carmelliny- aiseymen malu2 lagi tu.. ;;)
Miss Mathew - okay ba miss mathew :) ble ba kita terima opinion org lain, but kekadang tu kan, org tu mcm nda pandai express opinion ba, talampau emo, mcm mau cari gaduh ja ni.. yaii... sabar ja la kan.. ada devil the evil mau uji kesabaran kita.. huahua :D
Mell_f - uinah lama ooo ko menghilang ni mell.. mana ko pg? wawa siok pula bsuti2 malaysia ni kan.. :)
memeljoan- HI memel joan :) YA agree wif you.. ( atekei, smua pun sya agree la, memandangkan smua paam apa yg sya maksud kan :) good2 ) ya tu la sya ckp.. it's just a simple matter ba, trus macm mau bgaduh ni.. ba heran oo :)jan paduli la kan biar ja.. :) kita ni pun malas mau cr gaduh yg teda2, sepa yg mkn cili terasa pedas la kan :)
Anonymous - hi Anon, did u get the points here? coz if you dont, it cud be you.. ahaks :D
alo cigu,,ala,,masih blh bagi komen kah ni,,hehe..baru ari ni dpt baca smua post2 ko o,,
..about the topic.
,,sya sukung action ko yg tak smua org blh di buat kawan.bila da tejadi sesuatu,, baru la kita tau the true colors of that person kn,, (sad..but true), we can forgive and forget,, but do we wan to repeat the same thing and pretend nothing happened n go on with the 'friend'ship..when u know it su*ks? tak perlu juga kn..so,, its our choice. there are a lot more people out there who deserve our friendship..cewah..
..actually speaking from self experience bah ni, hahaha..
no offence, sia pn tak suka memilih kawan,, but then,,let friendship sails naturally or be gone with the wind,,cewah cewah,,ntah apa2 sda yg sia tulis ni
kesimpulan: nadia,,ur a good fren.im glad to know u.
p/s: bah, jn lupa kursus kita nanti bulan 6 ni. hehe
hi NC- ba ble ba :) aiseymen.. :) ya ba kan.. actuali smua ble buat kawan jg ba kan, but ngam nda ngam tu ja la soalnya :) aiseymen :) wawa thanks for the sharing ar.. really appreciate it.. ya, sepa yg mau kwn kita tu kita kwn la kan, kalu yg mau cr gaduh ja tu susah la gitu, penat ba mau bgaduh kan :) hihi..
ya u too r a good friend.. hihi... syg di skul kita nda bkenalan kan, but bgs jg la tu, mana tau ko buli sya coz ko senior kan..miahahaha ;)) nda ba*kidding ;)) ba nda lupa, sya paksa lu kris pg kursus bln 6 k.. :) hihi...
haha..mana la ba ada main buli2 kalu sia ni,, sia yg kena buli mgkin o,, sb kici kn,, haha :)
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