Perodua Myvi SE - Solid White or tangerine Oren
Proton Persona - Solid White
Proton SAGA BLM - Solid White
Actually, I'm not really into 'Malaysian Product' things..
but hey, we must support our country rite? especially at this time of economy downturn :)
I oredi went to see the Myvi and Persona..
Quite good :) emmm..
Hubi suggest pg tgk 2nd hand cars like
- Perdana V6
- Honda Jazz
- ntah apa2 lg tu..
huhu.. but 2nd hand pya kreta ni mcm sya nda buli pcaya la pula..
takut2 ex-owner dia bekas pembunuh ka ah long ka apa..
Free2 kena kejar nanti..huahua...
Emm.. still thinking.. want to have a 'baby' next month..yeay.. :)
but have to wait my hubby to come back from MIRI on 3rd of APRIL 2009 ..huahua...
cantik ni baby .... Selamat berbaby... kasi tumpang sa p kadai kalau hujan.. :D
the new pesona special edition is nice. have u seen it? it looks sleek and sporty.
Get the Persona Special Edition. :-)
Go for Perodua. Better quality
honda jazz is nice..but very expensive... take a MYvi.. i believe it is better than proton.. haha.. that is my understanding..
San- haha... mo pilih 'baby' dlu ni... ba nanti sya kasi tumpang ah..haha...:)
Chegu Carol - yup.. still thinking about that one.. :) not yet make up my mind :)
Gallivanter - hihi... 2votes for persona se.. and 1 vote for perodua ( Willie ) emmm...
Willie- really? emm.. still thinking...Perodua.. do u have one? :) share2 la.. :)
Reana Claire - hihi.. yup Honda Jazz is expensive, n it's a 2nd hand/ recond car..huhu... thanks for ur opinion.. ya, i heard that too from lot of people.. :) still thinking.. :) hihi
choose wisely, nanti menyesal tau, ada certain mechanic bilang Perodua better choice dari Proton.
better consult orang yang sudah guna any of the model, tanya ada masalah ka tidak
wah mantap mobilnya... kereen
Think wisely...nanti menyesal..kalau sumunie mau beli kereta...mesti fikir ttg spare parts dan maintenance. kalau bayar bulan tu tdk jadi masalah sebab sudah set dari awal...rasanya keluaran perodua dan proton masing2 ada kelebihan..I think Myvi Special Edition ok...tapi kalau tambah RM20k sudah boleh dapat VIOS kan???...he he he sakit ati bah ni sebab suka bangat sama itu vios..;)
hi nadia... wah, terkezut sa!!! heheheee... bagus ko ambi myvi laaa.... sm2 la kt... heheheee... welcome to the club babe ^0^
pesona se la nadia.. myvi mcm serangga yg bongkok ni.. n saga masi nmpk saga ni haha.. alang2 beli honda civic ba baru power
Ya ya... persona SE santik!
But pkir2 jg bab maintenance tu.. ;p knowledge on cars,,but,,jn lupa kasi tumpang2 kalu tenampak sa tggu bas a,, hehehe walking...=)
Me want a new 'baby' car also. Klu ikut hati, mmg minat gila babas sm tu Vios/ mcm budget inda sukup ni...haha...
Niway,Persona SE tu santik la.
go for myvi,, ada bayang bayang macam honda jazz juga, dont buy proton la,,, quality very no good, my 3 years proton wira,sini rosak sana rosak already,,,,,,
go for it myvi wins hands down man
go for toyota RUSH. hahaha... ok2 la..tapi habis tu gaji nanti byr. x cukup mau shopping :P...
just pilih yg berkenan d hati, dont care abt people say. yg penting senang hati.. hehe
myvi and persona? okay bah dua2 tu.. it depends mcm mana ko jaga kan. kalau sembarangan ja, keta yg bagus pun blh cepat rosak kan. betul atau tidak? hehe
nadia.. persona se la.. heheh.. jamin ko puas hati pakai punya itu ^_^ anyway mari bersama2 berdoa supaya itu parking di school kena kaC besar.. malas sa suda datang2 p school teda parking.. huhuu
My suggestion new series of Honda Jazz!!! hehehhee.. atau pun klu M'sian product ambil la tu Myvi..
Erik - ya mantap :)
Sumunie- ya btul tu.. mau fikir for long term.. maintenance n all that.. yg jimat myk..ya proton and perodua ni masing2 ada kelebihan n kelemahan ni..emmm sya pun mcm 2 hati ba ni..huahua... ya vios okay but yg baru tu mcm dugong la.okay lg yg lama but kalu mo beli tu tpaksa cari 2nd la kan.. :) huahua....
Rahma- hahah jan tekezut.. wahh ko pun myvi? hihi.. blum lg come to the myviclub.. fikir2 lu ni..hihi.. :) ba rahma share2 la amcm myvi ko tu? maintenance dia amcm? :)
Jan- alalala serangga bongkok lg tu.. byk tu kwn ko pakai myvi tu..hihi.. ya ba alang2 kan honda CIVIC TYPE R lg tu.. nah baru puas hati..but nda dpt la beli rumah..huhu... masi bfikir ni tau.. :)
Just - ya ba cantik n luas lg tu kan.. emm.. but itu la mo fikir panjang ni.. ba sepa2 yg ada kreta tu kasi crita la ba kreta dia.. kalu ada nda bgs bgto ah.. :) just ko pya kreta apa? :)
NC- aiseymen.. nda apa ba.. ppuan kan.. :) ba nanti sya kasi tumpang ko kalu sda beli :) aik bkn ko ada kreta meh.. pura2 lg ba dia :)
informaxona- okay blog walking la :)
Sy setuju sama Greg. Pg tya dgn sepa2 la yg pernah guna any of these models,ask for their testimonials. Dont just blindly percaya proton itu ini. As for saga blm, my mileage reached 9k km already..blum ada any problem. Cuma time service seja ada prob. geez -_-"
Or instead,u can opt to read comments from any forums. That's what i did before decided to buy saga. kan byk tu penyokong fanatik perodua n proton dalam forum. So from their debate, u'll get to think and decide which one to buy la.I think u can make ur own decision via this way even without waiting for ur man to come bah ;)
Nanti ada kerita, kena independent suda oo..hehe
Ok,sekian terima kasih.hehehe
Mama mia- ya ba.. ble ba kalu mau tu but nda dpt la shupping kan.. mesti fikir utk diri sendiri jg tu.. hihi.. mana tau mo pg melancong lg, beli rumah lg, beli baju lg.. nah tu la mo budget skit ja utk kreta..hihi... :) yap tu persona SE okay apa :)
Eugene- thanks for the sharing.. really appreciate it :) hubi oso have 2 proton cars n mimang byk jg rusak.. but nda tau pula proton skrg okay atau nda :)
myvi SE??? emm.. will think about it ya :) hihi...
Noy- ya ba abis duit nda dpt shupping ooo nanti mo kahwin lg.. adui2..hihi... ya lo btul jg tu ko ckp.. kalu nda pakai ganas maybe nda jg baitu cpt rusak.. tula sya mo mimpi2 mau dpt aura2 dlu mana satu pilihan hati ni.. masi lg blank2 ba ni.. :) ba sepa sda kuar gaji tpaksa mo blanja oo :) hihi...
Annie- ya ba.. cgu johny pun trus beli persona oo kan..hhihihi..tu la ba sya malas ni teda parking but tgu siap tu kantin di blkg la kan br kena roboh tu kantin lama buat parking..hihi.. gumbiranya.. :)
Alv- ya honda jazz pretty cute :) but tpaksa mo ambik recond or 2nd hand kan..huahua.. tgi tu interest.. bikin rugi ja..hihi.. emm...ya myvi la kan but tgk la lu k..bincang2 lu.. nanti sya post kalu sda beli ah :) hihi..
Mell- aiks.. br sya perasan ko pya komen ni..hihii.... ya ba kan.. nanti sya baca forum2 tu.. but oredi have one in my mind ba.. emm.. :) ba btw thanks ya.. :) hihi nda sabar ni tau :)
So sudah buat keputusan ka nadia...hmm bagus juga idea hubby ko tu...tapi tula kena cari betul2 n selidik2 lagi. nanti menyesal karang..
kalau pasal kereta sya lebih suka kereta import, hah!..bukan menderhaka pada negara aarr..hehe..
kalau myvi..senang cari part n banyak accs. nya dan terlaris!
kalau tapi masi baru la
persona (SE) cool,cantik ada GPS lagi,menang anugerah lagi...
p/s yang penting kalau beli kereta tengok bajet la...kalau banyak $ ..hah "tutup mata" ja ambil yang paling cool n mahal (haha)...jngan lupa berdoa :)minta ideas k
Sogoh- blum ooo.. masi berfikir2 ni.. :) ya btul..kalu sya pun alang2 mo beli kreta import ni.. but talampau mahal pula... bkn jg nda cukup bajet kan but mo spent wisely la.. mo fikir masa dpn..mau beli rumah lg, mau ada anak smua tu..hihi... kalu beli rumah, untung jg tu, kalu beli kreta tu, nanti lama2 kreta turun harga jg kan..hihi.. but yg menawan sya tgk skrg ni honda jazz la n myvi se.. mungkin sebab slalu tnmpk myvi di jalan ba tu kan, trus jatuh cinta sikit2..hihi.. :) ya bdoa ni slalu, manatau mimpi drive kreta kan ahhhh tu la yg sya beli nanti..miahhahaa.. :)
Myvi nmpk kiut... Yg penting misti mau kereta yg paling cost efficient.
Izan- ya kiut kan yg baru tu.. hihi.. ya itu la mo think and spend wisely ni.. fikir2 lama2 :) hihi
Ala la si Nadia bingung sudah ni tau...jadi mata keranjang sudah semua dia mau jatuh cinta he he he...bah decide lah bah....sumunie rasa Myvi tu cantik...tapi sia pernah test drive itu myvi mcm kalau yg 1000cc pick up dia enda begitu power mau juga yg 1300cc punya baru ok. sebab itu myvi berat bah. bukan juga mau kempen VIVA ni..he he sebab sia pakai viva saja sebab mau ekonomi kunun. sia pakai 1000cc punya sia enda ambil 660cc atau 850cc sebab pick up dia enda lajak. mcm itu juga lah itu MYVI.
Sumunie - yahaha... kalu ble trus mau beli alteeza ba..miahahaha... ya rasanya mo beli myvi trus yg SE pya ni.. yg baru pya ni..hihi... ya byk jg kwn ada myvi but myvi besa.. bgs sya alang2 kalu mo beli myvi ambik yg SE pya la kan br puas hati..hihi.. :)Viva pun okay jg ba but sya mo fikir long term kalu tym ada anak nanti nda dpt angkat..hihi... Alang2 la kan.. :)
tough decision juga ah moi ;)
when i first thought of buying a car, i never have the intention to buy imported cars bcos budget ndak cukup.
my specification was for something not too big yet not small either. so kancil memang out of list lah.
i got the same situation like you, to choose perodua or proton.
i went for test drive and everything until i have came up with a short list of cars i want.
my decision was between myvi and gen2.
i even put deposit for both cars at the same time. but in the end, i went for gen2.
so far, it has been doing good for me. kalau ada pun yg rusak2, thats bcos of my own negligence.
i believe, if you look after your car maintenance regularly, it shouldn't pose major problems for you.
yup very tough decision.. :)
ya my decision oso between myvi and gen2.. u did put deposit on both car? wah.. ~x(
emmm... i think la i will go for Myvi SE :) coz sda ada experience dgn kreta proton kan so why not tukar arah pg perodua :) ya maintenance is my priority :) mesti mo slalu service n hati2 tym drive kan :)
since it is/ will be my first car, i will take care mcm nyawa sya sendiri...hihi.. can't wait ;)
So MyVi SE lah? Bah, yg penting kau happy bah kan. :D
papa joneh- aiseymen.. itu baru dlm perancangan tu..hihi.. nanti sya post kalu sda dpt kreta ah.. n tgu sya modified ckit2 lu br sya post.hihi.. ;))
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